What is your Learning Style? Quiz adapted into a PowerPoint by: Ms. J Wooldridge
On a piece of paper: On the left side, title this activity: My Learning Style Number from #1-13: Leave enough room for a letter answer
1. What kind of book would you like to read for fun? A book on National Parks that has lots of pictures in it A novel or mystery with lots of detailed descriptions or conversations A book with word searches or crossword puzzles Teacher: Be sure to read each of the slides completely for auditory learners.
2. When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do? Write it down to see if it looks right Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right Trace the letters in the air (finger spelling)
3. You’re out shopping and you’re waiting in line to pay for some new clothes you just picked out. What are you most likely to do while you wait? Look around at the other clothes on the racks Talk to the person next to you in line Fiddle around with your money or sway back and forth
4. When you see the word “c-a-t,” what do you do first? Picture a cat in your mind Say the word “cat” to yourself Think about being with a cat (petting it or hearing it purr)
5. What’s the best way for you to learn about how something works (like a cellphone or computer)? Watch a movie or a demonstration about it Read about it or listen to someone explain it Figure it out on your own by taking it apart
6. If you went to a school dance, what would you be most likely to remember the next day? The faces of the people who were there The music that the DJ played The dance moves you did and the food you ate
7. When you are trying to study, what do you find the most distracting? People walking past you Loud noises An uncomfortable chair Teacher: Have students stand up next to their desk, stretch their arms forward, and then answer this question (tactile learners)
8. When you are angry about something, what are you most likely to do? Put on your “mad” face Yell and scream Slam doors
9. When you are really happy about something, what are you most likely to do? Smile from ear to ear Talk up a storm Act really hyper
10. When you hear a song on the radio, what are you most likely to do? Picture the video that goes along with it Sing or hum along with the music Start dancing or tapping your foot
11. When you’re sitting in class, what bothers you the most? Lights that are too bright or too dim Noises from the hallway or outside the building (like traffic or someone cutting the grass) The temperature being too hot or too cold
12. What do you like to do to relax? Read (magazine, book, etc) Listen to music Go for a walk, run, or play sports
13. Which would you rather go to with a group of friends? A movie A concert An amusement park
Add up your Answers Under your answers for #1-13, add up how many of each letter answer you have and write: A = ______ B = ______ C = ______ Then circle the letter that has the largest #. Tell your teacher which letter (A, B, or C) you selected the most often when she asks you. Teacher will record A, B, or C next to her student roster so she knows which learning style each student is. Students are more likely to be honest with their largest # of responses if they don’t know what they mean yet.
What does each letter represent? Selecting A the most means: You are mainly an Visual (Seeing) Learner Selecting B the most means: You are mainly a Auditory (Hearing) Learner Selecting C the most means: You are mainly a Tactile (Doing) Learner On your page write: “I am a ________ Learner. Ask students: When people were reading off their letter, did everyone say the same letter? What does it mean that a lot of people said different letters? We all learn differently. Therefore, as your teacher I will be using a variety of strategies that will help people learn in different ways.
What does your style say about how you learn best? Visual Learners Should: Auditory Learners Should: Tactile Learners Should: Sit near the front of the class Use flashcards to learn new words Try to visualize things you hear or things you read Write down key words, ideas, or instructions Color code things Draw pictures to help explain new concepts Be sure to sit where you can hear Use flashcards to learn new words, but read them out loud Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud Study new material by reading it out loud Remember that you need to HEAR things, not just see things, in order to learn Participate in activities that involve touching, building, moving, or doing It’s OK to walk around or tap your foot while reading or studying Trace words with your finger to learn spelling It’s OK to tap a pencil, shake your leg, or hold on to something while learning Have students write at least 2 things on the same page in their journal/paper that is a good strategy for them to learn best based on their style. Such as “Strategies for me to learn best are…” Then have students turn to their partner and share one thing they think will help them learn. Teacher: Randomly select a few students to share what their partner told them.