Time to Change, In Your Corner Campaign November 2018 Session 3 Section Title Mental Health and me Time to Change, In Your Corner Campaign November 2018 Session 3
Mental health We all have mental health just as we all have physical health Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can affects how we think, feel, and act There are things we can all do to help take care of our mental health and wellbeing
Self care tips There are simple things we can all do to look after our mental health. These tips come from young people who campaign for Time to Change. What do you think of them? Spending time away from social media A cup of tea with friends Sport with mates Getting outside in the sunshine (or rain!) Celebrate your successes and highlights Time for you!
Self care tips from Young Champion, Leanne Self-care and improving wellbeing for me changes with the seasons, so instead of soaking up sun constantly, I'm actively now trying to make my room super cosy for autumn and winter and buying lots of fluffy socks, candles and throws for hygge feels. Over the years, I have found hobbies, interests and things I can do on a low energy day like origami, reading, meditating but sometimes self-care really is as simple as having a glass of water or juice. Having good mental health and how that can be achieved, ultimately, is as unique as every individual on the planet so what works for one person will be different from another person; there isn't one right way.
8 Ways to Wellbeing Section Title Talking being open with people I trust about how I’m feeling. Exercising looking after my body, playing sport, eating healthy. Calming trying meditation, good sleep habits like turning my phone off early. Learning a new skill, a great way to gain confidence. Relating spending time with the people I care about. Contributing helping others or contributing to causes I believe in. Creating expressing myself creatively e.g. music, art, drama, writing. Congratulating being kind to myself, or listing the qualities I value in myself. Go through the list and / or lead any 2 of the following activities which relate to this Learning: Eg a simple new skill everyone can try to master – ADD AN IDEA Contributing: we’ll now spend 3 minutes all helping to tidy our form room/shared space, (or to make things to improve our shared space (if you have craft supplies and a little more time, this activity relates to 2 of the 8 ways of wellbeing - creating and contributing!) eg decorative signs to encourage recycling, a wellbeing wall with pictures and quotes Congratulating – name one thing you have done this week which you are proud of (MAKE THIS MORE CREATIVE IF POSS) Exercising – explain that we spend a lot of our day time sitting (in class), standing up gets our blood flowing and systems. Ask students to stand, stretch up high, hold the stretch for 15 seconds, and then touch their toes Calming – have a conversation about mobile phone use: ask the group to discuss in pairs and guestimate how much time they spend on their phones everyday, what do they enjoy about that? What do they find difficult about it? a great way to look after our wellbeing can be through a digital detox. It’s been proven that mobile phone screen light can negatively affect our sleep, so it helps to reduce phone time at the end of the day, ideally put our phones away for at least an hour before bed. Ask the group what they think about that, how might they feel? How realistic is that for them? What could they do instead which might benefit their wellbeing for that final hour of their day?
Section Title Thank You