Email: Welcome to Mrs. Gomez’s Class Grading Policy Each nine weeks we will have a total of at least 14 grades: 3 major grades and 11 daily assignments. Major grades will consist of test and projects. We will have progressive tests which allows the student to improve upon their previous test score. Daily grades will consist of in- class activities, some homework assignments and quizzes. Hello!! My name is Nancy Gomez and I will be your child’s 6th grade math teacher this year. I am from Rosenberg, TX and I graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2008. This will be my 8th year of teaching here at Baines Middle School. I am very excited about the new school year and I look forward to working closely with you to help your child become successful. Spiral Pencils Tape Glue Color pencils or markers Supply List Email: Phone: 281-634-6958 Conference Period: 11:50 – 12:40 Tutorials Will be offered in the morning. Dates and times will be determined later. - Homework will be given 4-5 days a week. - Some homework assignments will be taken for a grade. - Continuous missing assignment may result in either detention or working lunch. Homework Policy Class Webpage Please copy the class website in the space below.
I have read and understand the course guide. 6th grade Math I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature ____________ Date