“Trump, Clinton clash at fiery first debate”
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in a fiery opening debate where seemingly nothing was off limits, clashed sharply Monday night. Entering their first encounter after a solid week of intense preparation, Clinton seemed ready for several of Trump’s taunts on stage at Hofstra University (New York). When Trump, discussing how he’d been “all over” the country talking to inner-city communities, said, “You decided to stay home, and that’s okay” – Clinton had a swift retort. “I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes, I did,” Clinton said. “And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president, and I think that’s a good thing.” Later in the debate, Trump summed up his counter-argument in a few words: “Hillary has experience, but it’s bad experience.” The debate took a number of twists and turns, and it’s unclear how and whether it will tilt the race. The general election rivals will meet twice more on the debate stage next month.
In Other News Presidential debates are about ideas, tough questions -- and gaffes. The impact of one line zingers can fade after the moment, but gaffes can linger, altering a race and shifting the momentum. Mistakes happen in almost every debate. And as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump meet for their first clash Monday -- 56 years to the date after the famous showdown between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy -- viewers will be on alert for any stumbles that might seal the fate of either candidate. Here are eight of the biggest blunders from nearly six decades of presidential debates: http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/26/politics/presidential-debate-mistakes-history/index.html A gunman who died in a shootout with officers in Houston Monday was a lawyer who lived in the neighborhood and left a car full of weapons near the scene, the city's police chief said. "We are bringing in the bomb squad to secure it safe," Acting Police Chief Martha Montalvo told reporters. Attorney Nathan DeSai has been identified as the alleged shooter. DeSai was a lone gunman who was disgruntled over matters at the law firm where he worked.