The Call to Leadership The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Session 3: Leadership Development January 8, 2014
The Prayer for Generosity Dearest Lord, Teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as I should: To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed the wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labor and ask not for reward; Save that of knowing that I do Your Most Holy Will. Mary Seat of Wisdom. Pray for us.
Recap & Re-entry Let’s just recall some ideas. What do you remember about the following: The reading on Authentic Leadership Leadership VS. Management Leaders create change (from good to great) 5 Levels of Leadership
A Story Of Someone’s Call & Journey Towards Leadership How does someone become a leader?
Film Showing: The Last Journey of Ninoy
Discussion Questions What did Ninoy want to do at the end of his life (aka what was his call to leadership or his purpose?) What were the significant experiences that lead his to that?
Was Ninoy a leader in our definition? Did people willingly follow him? Did he exhibit competence, character, and a sense of purpose? Did he exhibit authentic leadership? Lead with passion & values, heart & head Know themselves: strengths, weaknesses, motivations Use transforming experiences in his mission Build others. Empower others. Did he create change?
The Call to Leadership happens in the story of our lives.
Young Adult Childhood Adolescent Adult Transition period Experiment - identity, roles to develop a sense of self Main influence are friends/ peer group “Who am I?” Sense of responsibility Building something Making a contribution that’ll outlast their lives Young Adult Childhood Adolescent Adult Physical & mental development to move to autonomy. Main influence is family. Foundational skills in school. Socialization. Learn values. Begin to make your way in the world Growth in relationships & career “What am I supposed to do?” The Call & Work of Leadership happens here
Thesis # 3: Defining one’s purpose for leadership is an interplay of self & context: your personality, history & family influence.
SELF + CONTEXT CALL TO LEADERSHIP THE WORK OF LEADERSHIP Who are you? What is happening around you? CALL TO LEADERSHIP What do you feel you need to do? What is important to you? THE WORK OF LEADERSHIP Making a difference Exercising character, competence, and purpose Often sharing the important experiences/lessons of our life
SELF + CONTEXT CALL TO LEADERSHIP THE WORK OF LEADERSHIP Family, Personal History, Personality (Desires, Skils, etc.) + CONTEXT What decisions did Ninoy have to make in different phases of his life? CALL TO LEADERSHIP What did he feel like doing or want to do? THE WORK OF LEADERSHIP
Points to Highlight in Ninoy’s Journey
There were transforming experiences in his life: Part of the call to leadership is the journey of transformation - we change and we change the context/environment. Mixed motivations are normal. Ninoy didn’t start out with pure intentions but they were purified. There were transforming experiences in his life: Imprisonment in Bonifacio took away his career and his future. It made him see his quest for power & prestige Isolation in Laur made his lose everything & made him get in touch with the most important things: faith & family. Boston gave him back everything that was most important to him.
Transformation: It takes from us to purify us and it gives us something to empower us Ninoy’s purification Ninoy’s empowerment Transformation can be fast & sudden or slow & gradual
We as people have many layers (like an onion) External- expectations of others, cultural norms, image Internal - motivations, needs, values, dreams, sense of meaning Transformation helps us become authentic leaders Peels away the non essential/ even disordered layers Reveals our true real selves. Our true best selves. We are not changed. We evolve into the better versions of ourselves
You cannot give what you do not have You cannot give what you do not have. But you naturally give what you do have. And learnings in transformation are significant lessons. We share the significant lessons in our life. Our leadership call & work sometimes follows themes in our life
Transformation begins from within It’s what happens in our insides vs what happens to us on the outside that is more important to our personal change.
The first step is self-awareness: to know our many different layers better.
Application Paper # 1 Narrate a transforming experience in your life: (a) what were you, (b) what happened, (c) how were you more authentic after? Write enough so that the situation is clear This question is not graded. It lays the ground work for your self-analysis in the next question. Reflect on the experience & analyze yourself: What did the experience take or purify from me? What did it give me (ex. a skill, a lesson, attitude, personal insight)? What did I learn about myself from it? (d) How important was the experience in making you who you are today?
Application Paper Instructions Answer both questions. 3 pages max. At least font size 12. Try to think & rethink your answers. Write & rewrite so you can deepen the self analysis. Ask 5 “So whats?” Email to>by Jan 15. Late papers accepted & required but earn a 0.5 deduction Word or Text Document. File name: 27+LastName+Initial First Name+P1.doc (ex. 27PascualP P1.doc)