Lecture 1 Concepts of Programming Languages Arne Kutzner Hanyang University / Seoul Korea
Korean version available Literature Robert W. Sebesta Concepts of Programming Language 10th edition, 2012 or 11th edition, 2016 Korean version available Concepts of Programming Languages
Concepts of Programming Languages Contact Contact data: E-Mail kutzner@hanyang.ac.kr Phone 2220 2397 Office Room 77-714 Slides of the course are available for download at itbe.hanyang.ac.kr Concepts of Programming Languages
Prof. Arne Kutzner / Weekly Schedule 2018.1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 15:00 15:00 – 16:30 16:30 – 18:00 OO(Java)– Programming 10:30-11:45 Concepts of Prg. Lang. 10:30-11:45 Concepts of Prg. Lang. 13:00-14:30 OO(Java) – Programming 14:30-15:45 Selected Topics in Algorithms 14:30-17:15 Java Programming
Concepts of Programming Languages Goals Knowledge about basic concepts of the programming “language world” Knowledge about theoretical as well as technical aspects of programming languages “Decision tool” with respect to programming languages in the context of real world projects Concepts of Programming Languages
Concepts of Programming Languages Provisional Schedule Week 2 Preliminaries (Why do we study concepts of Prog. Lang. ?) 3 Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages 4 Lexical and Syntax Analysis 5 Parser Construction 6 Data Types in Programming Languages 7 Midterm Examination 8 Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Concepts 9 Object Orientation in Programming Languages 10 Functional Programming Part 1 11 Functional Programming Part 2 12 Parallelism and Concurrency Part 1 13 Parallelism and Concurrency Part 2 14 Exception Handling 15 Final Examination Concepts of Programming Languages
Structure of the Course Lecture Students should repeat the stuff of each week in order to stay „on track“ Learing becomes more convient by forming study groups Homework Assignments Homework has to be submitted by the given deadline! (Delay may imply penalty.) Homework is for the preparation of midterm and final examination Concepts of Programming Languages
Composition of Final Grade / Computation of max. reachable points 30 % Midterm Examination 40 % Final Examination Homework Reports 20 % Attendance 10 % Concepts of Programming Languages
Concepts of Programming Languages Absolute Grading A from 90% of max. reachable points B from 75% of max. reachable points C from 60% of max. reachable points D from 45% of max. reachable points Concepts of Programming Languages
Attendance Management Attendance check will be at beginning of class. Latecomers risk some penalty … Concepts of Programming Languages
Concepts of Programming Languages Some Remarks … Nowadays computer programming is an important task in the “work world”. A lot of jobs require programming skills. Knowledge about the structure and concepts of programming languages helps to learn programming languages English is an important communication Medium in today's global world. Try to improve your English skills by active listening. Concepts of Programming Languages