Write down 3 positive things about yourself It’s all about me! Who am I? Knowing yourself helps to prepare you for your future life choices and the decisions you have to make in school and elsewhere. Below are some personal qualities. Write down 3 positive things about yourself 1. 2. 3. Your Task Choose ten words that describe you and write them in your workbook. Choose three different colours for your three best qualities. Circle them in different colours. Now, get a friend to tell you three words from the list that they think describe you. Circle in a different colour. Were you surprised by their selection? [answer in your workbook] generous careful enthusiastic quick lucky clever friendly practical responsible fair smart funny sensitive sharing determined fast happy honest punctual tolerant Co-ordinated tidy fun outgoing Trust worthy organised imaginative strong kind shy
My Interests and Hobbies It’s all about me! My Interests and Hobbies Interests and hobbies provide leads to your possible future career goals. Interests and hobbies are activities you enjoy doing, so if you match your career goals to your interests you’ll love going to work! Things I like to do when I am not at school: 1. 2. 3. If you were given the chance, what new things would you like to do? Can you think of 2 jobs that would make use of any of your current jobs or hobbies?
Wow! I did that? My Friend’s Proudest Achievement Skills Work with a partner or a friend. Talk about a time when you were proud something you did. Remember that achievements can be big or small, one that everyone knows or just a few people. Think about the skills you used in your achievement. My Friend’s Proudest Achievement Skills My Proudest Achievement Skills are things I can do Circle skills you are good at Tick ✔ skills you would like to improve Can you add more skills to the list? Listen to others Solving problems Write stories Use technology Draw things Talk to groups Find out information Help people Play a musical instrument Make things Learn new things Look after animals Organise myself Perform for an audience Fix things Reading books Play sport Organise others sing Manage money Solve number problems Cook
Wow! I did that? Think about your greatest achievement in more detail. Break down the steps needed to reach that achievement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Example: Learning to knit Asked people who knit if they can teach me. Make time with Nan to learn. Shown step by step Practice with Nan Practice alone Show Nan progress What skills do you think you showed when your achieved your goal? Name at least 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.