Code Lists SMDG Meeting Hamburg, 09.-11.10.2018.


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Presentation transcript:

Code Lists SMDG Meeting Hamburg, 09.-11.10.2018

Agenda Code lists Agenda Introduction Maintenance Terminal Facilities list Best practice Relevance of UN/LOCODE’s  UN/LOCODE’s of UNECE by country JM4/ITIGG/120/v18 – Sönke Witt (HHLA)  

Agenda Code Lists - Introduction Why are standard codes important? codes are machine-readable standard codes facilitate the communication standard codes reduce mapping tables

Agenda Code Lists - Introduction Appropriate international codes list are missing or not sufficient Match perfectly the formats of the EDIFACT messages maintained by SMDG Why use SMDG codes? Additional advantage: Updating process does not require a time consuming procedure. Lists can be updated whenever the need for new codes.

Code Lists - Overview Handling Codes (introduced with BAPLIE 3.0) Blocking Codes (introduced with BAPLIE 3.0) (to be renamed: STOWLOC) ATT Codes (introduced with BAPLIE 3.0) Delay Codes (IFTSAI and TPFREP; draft) Master Liner Codes Terminal Facility Codes SMDG Codes VGM Information Codes for use in free text (FTX) segment of the UN/EDIFACT container messages JM4/ITIGG/120/v18 (draft)

Agenda Code Lists - Overview Where to find the codes lists?

Agenda Code Lists - Maintenance How are they maintained? New codes or requests for changes… Via the link on the website A form to fill out can be downloaded from the website Business need for new codes or clarification of existing codes or existing codes lists – as result of the work in the different subgroups Change log entries change in terminals or names removed entries Via link: terminal codes, liner codes

Agenda Terminal Facilities List Rules Examples List with UNLOCODEs,Terminal codes with terminal description Validation and change and expiry dates Applicants with email address Website Geo-coordinates

Agenda Terminal Facilities List Purpose Indicate the discharge location of a container if a vessel calls at multiple terminals within a port Vessel tracking Container tracking Identification of terminal in reports (e.g. in TPFREP) …  

Agenda Terminal Facilities List - QA Maintenance/Quality Check Check the correct terminal name and company name: terminal/company website directly with the company operating the terminal website of the port shipping line agencies in the port Check the correct UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE List by country (UNECE) Check, if already an entry exists via UN/LOCODEs (columns in the Terminal Facilities List) might be used with different UN/LOCODEs geo-coordinates if available compare with Google maps   Different spelling: see Gwangyang/Kwangyang Check Google: is it likely that there are two terminals?

Agenda Terminal Codes– Best practice How to define a particular terminal by codes? Unique by a combination of UN/LOCODE and Terminal Code Example: St. Petersburg / First Container Terminal UN/LOCODE: RULED Terminal code: FCT Best practice The fact that we have the UN/LOCODE separated from the terminal code has got some advantages: 2 levels of identification: port or terminal – just as specific as required in the particular use case sending out information to various parties: other terminals shipping lines, customs, each of them can take the information in the granularity as required flexibility  Adapt to changes in UN/LOCODE’s without loosing the uniqueness of the terminal identification  Tight connection to the UN/LOCODE’s LOC+11+ RULED :139:6 +FCT :TERMINALS:306 (D.00B) Place/location identification C517.e3225 Related place/location one identification c519.e3223


Agenda UN/LOCODE (UNECE) Different UN/LOCODEs for the same location District (Postal code) versus Metropolitan Area (Metropolitan Code) Customs location versus geographical location terminals versus port   … Ambiguity: sub-locations like terminals within another location: metropolitan code for a city exists and at the same time there is a different code for a part of the location (sub-location) See Shanghai dilemma

Agenda UN/LOCODE (UNECE) Case: Cartagena (Colombia): COCTG = Cartagena (function 1 = port) COCNR = TERMINAL DE CONTENEDORES DE CARTAGENA (CONTECAR) – function 1 COSPC  =  SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA REGIONAL DE CARTAGENA – function 1   Cartagena in Colombia used to have and still has the code COCTG. In 2016 two additional codes were added:   COCNR = TERMINAL DE CONTENEDORES DE CARTAGENA (CONTECAR) COSPC  =  SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA REGIONAL DE CARTAGENA The terminals are sub-locations within the boundaries of Cartagena. This means, there are now two codes existing for the same geographical area: 1. COCTG/COCNR  2. COCTG/COSPC Unfortunately the port authority recently advised all users to use the new codes for the terminals instead of the old but still remaining one for Cartagena COCTG

UN/LOCODE (UNECE) UN/LOCODE conference 2015 Current status Bad condition of the UN/LOCODE list (maintained by the UNECE) Difficulties in maintaining the list too much work load (one person only) granularity of requests Measures Focal points (delegates nominated by governments) UN/LOCODE Advisory group (annual meetings) Revision of recommendation no. 16 (project)  

Agenda UN/LOCODE’s National Focal Points (NFP) nominated by UN member governments NFP shall build up national networks Terms of Reference for the NFP Validation criteria: Geographical locations Relevant to international trade   pilot projects with Focal points have been started (presentations by Japanese Focal Point and Norwegian Focal Point) Just a few states have a focal point, the UNECE secretariat will send out nomination letters to the Member states of UN for official appointment of the national Focal Point

UNECE Recommendation No. 16 describes the scope, the layout and the maintenance of the UN/LOCODE list includes the preconditions for new codes and their functions Project “Revision of Recommendation No. 16” Project members the focal points members of the advisory group   Members of project group and advisory group: SMDG (Michael Schröder, Jasmin Drönner) BIC (Bertrand Geoffrey) MSC (Isabelle Scialla)

In the name of SMDG..... We want to prevent ambiguous UN/LOCODEs (see Chinese UN/LOCODE’s) unnecessary changes of codes (s.a.) UN/LOCODE’s for terminals that are within the boundaries of e.g. a city with a different code (see Cartagena …) Our requirements are terminal codes only in child code lists references in an annex to the UN/LOCODE list to recognized child code list (like SMDG, BIC, IMO) a better quality check – including the expertise of SMDG, BIC, etc.. better definitions for the functions (1= port, 2= rail, 3=road, etc..) In particular our wish to remove terminal codes from the UNLOCODE list is not supported by everyone in the project group. The revised Recommendation No. 16 shall be finalized at the end of October 2018.

Agenda Terminal Facilities List The SMDG Terminal Facilities List Approx. 860 entries Has been updated over a long time period (> 14 years?) Most requests come for additional codes Only a few requests for removal or correction of existing entries

Agenda Code lists - Organization Tasks: Revision: Are there outdated entries? Are the terminal names and company names correct? Are there duplicate entries? Bring the coordinates into one format and fill the gaps Adjust the Chinese port codes in the Terminal Facilities list Geo-Coordinates: Makes an evaluation much easier. Find a rule for the first column “UN/LOCODE” and the second column “Alternative UN/LOCODE” in Terminal Facilities List: Wait for the decisions in the project for recommendation no. 16 and then adjust the UN/LOCODE’s in the Terminal Facilities List accordingly. Terminal codes sub(sub)group will be contacted. Terminals: please check the entries for your terminals for correctness! including the geo-coordinates Shipping Lines: please check the entries on the liner codes list!