The American Revolution Why did the colonists in America revolt against the British government? vs
British Government vs. American Colonists American colonists disagree that British Govt is “Enlightened” Colonists felt Britain’s King George III was a tyrant The prosperous British-American possessions were divided into 13 colonies, big populations Each colony had its own government but still had to obey British law Ex: Navigation Act - colonies could only sell their materials to Britain, who sold it to other countries, colonies had to pay tax on imports 1754: France & Britain fight a war (7 Years/French-Ind War) Britain & its colonies were victorious – Britain gains new wealth! Britain runs up a huge debt to fight this war King & Parliament expect colonists to pay for war – fought in America We agree! Why us? You guys pay for this war!!
Causes of the American Revolution To pay for war, British Parliament passes a stamp tax Colonists say no taxation w/o representation violates natural rights Boycott British goods. Cause #2: Sugar and currency acts. Tax on sugar & British no longer allow colonists to print or use their own money.
Cause #3: The Boston Massacre - British troops open fire on colonists who are protesting the new taxes Cause #4: Tea Tax – Boston Tea Party occurs - colonists dump British tea into Boston Harbor in protest. King George closes Boston Harbor Cause #5: The Intolerable Acts - Quartering Act forces citizens to house British troops. Administration of Justice Act –Boston Massacre trial Moved to Britain
Effect: 7/4/1776: The Declaration of Independence is signed & the American Revolution Begins!