Welcome to Your Schedule 2018-19 How to create your perfect schedule for the next school year at South High School
What You Need Transcript (White) Graduation requirements (White- back of transcript) A-G requirements (White-back of transcript) Course Selection Sheet (Yellow) Honors/Advanced Commitment Form (Blue)- if applicable Online Registration Guide (Green) Correspondence Course Pre Approval Request (Pink) For information on classes, course descriptions go to www.shs.tusd.org
Check Your Credits Check the transcript on the right hand side for credit total Juniors need at least 150 credits Sophomores – 90 credits Freshmen – 30 credits If you don’t have the recommended number of credits, be sure to talk to your counselor for summer school options.
Other Transcript Concerns A-G Requirements You must have C or better in classes to fulfill A-G requirements. If you have any D grades and plan on going to a 4 year college, please see your counselor for options to repeat these courses. IF YOU FIND ANY MISTAKES ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT AT ALL, PLEASE SEE YOUR COUNSELOR TO HAVE THEM CORRECTED.
Correspondence Courses The TUSD school board policy allows students to earn up to 40 credits for advancement toward graduation through outside educational institutions over the four years. However, courses are limited to a maximum of 10 credits per academic discipline (English, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, World Language, PE, Fine Art, etc.) if they will be applied towards graduation requirements.
Steps to Register online via PowerSchool Log into your PowerSchool Account On the left side under Navigation click Class Registration Select one English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and electives. Be sure to pick two alternates for electives.
Time to choose classes… Are you ready? Time to choose classes…
COURSE SELECTION SHEET PLEASE PRINT: Post High School Plans Career Interest Today’s Date Your Last Name, First Name ID number from transcript/ID card Phone Number where you can be reached Circle Grade Next Year Your Counselor’s Name – by alpha Mr. Polun A-E Mrs. Carroll F-La Mrs. Mc Garry Le-Ra Ms. Iacono Re-Z Circle period range
English Find the classes that are listed under English and choose one: English Lang. AP Ind Arts 3 Schd (if taking over summer)
English Make up Credit If you failed English any semester and need to make up credit, sign up for: Summer School or Literacy Skills (English Make-Up)
Mathematics In order to move on to the next math class, you must pass the class with a C or better. Will you have 20 credits by the end of the year? If not choose a class. Do you want to continue taking one of the following? If so, circle one. Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Trigonometry Pre Calc Pre Calc Honors Calculus Calc AP - AB Calc AP – BC Multivariable Calculus Statistics AP Computer Science AP
Social Studies Look under the social studies section and circle one: US History US History online AP US History Soc Science Dept 3 (if taking over summer)
Online US History Will cover all the same content as US History Enrollment will be limited to one period during the 0, 1st, or 6th period time slot. The class will only meet periodically during the asigned period with the majority of the work being completed online.
Science The following is a typical order of progression for science: Biology or Biology Honors Physical Science, Chemistry or Chemistry Honors You may take Biology AP, Chemistry AP, Anatomy, Marine Science, Sports Therapy, Physics, Physics 1 AP, or Environmental Science AP after Chemistry. Please check the class’s pre-requisites for both science and math in the Course Description Book on-line.
Science Will you have 20 credits by the end of the year? If not choose a class. Do you want to continue taking one of the following? If so, circle one. Anatomy Biology Biology Honors Biology AP Chemistry Chemistry 1 Honors Environmental Science AP Chemistry AP Marine Science Physics Physics 1 AP Physics C AP Sports Therapy
Health All students must pass Health for 5 credits for graduation.. Circle Health if you failed it or have not taken it. Circle another course that you will take for the following semester.
Physical Education Will you have 20 credits by the end of the year? if not choose a class. Do you want to continue taking one of the following? If so, circle one. PE 10 – 12 PE Dept 3 Schd (if taking over summer) PE Band Athletics Course (returning athletes) Beginning Dance Intermediate Dance (teacher approval) Pep Squad/Drill Team
World Languages Will you have 10 credits in either the arts or foreign language by the end of the year? If not choose a class. Are you going to a 4 year university and have not completed 2 years of one language? If not choose a class. Do you want to continue taking a foreign language? If so, circle one. French 1, 2, 3, 3H, 4, French Lang. AP Japanese 1, 2, 3, 4H, Japanese Lang. AP Korean 1, 2, 3, 4H, 5H Spanish 1, 2, 3, 3H, 4, Spanish Lang. AP Chinese 1, 2, 3, 3H, 4, Chinese Lang. AP American Sign Language 1,2,3 (10th – 12th)
Visual and Performing Arts Will you have 10 credits in either the arts or foreign language by the end of the year? If not choose a class. Are you going to a 4 year university and have not completed a full year of Visual/Performing Arts? If not choose a class. Do you want to continue taking one of the following? If so, circle one. Art 1, 2, 3, 4 Beginning Ceramics Jazz Band Fine Arts Seminar Advanced Ceramics Intermediate Jazz band Theater Arts 1,2,3,4 Photography Wind Ensemble Grade Choir Percussion Ensemble With Teacher Approval Advanced Dance Advanced Jazz Band Choral Workshop Photo 2
Career Technical Ed Electives Do you want to take one of the following Career Technical Ed Electives Do you want to take one of the following? If so, circle one. Foods/Nutrition 1 Media 1/Media 2 (Web Page Design) Adv. Web Page Design Wood 1 or 2 Cabinet Making TV Production Adv. TV Production With Teacher Approval Yearbook Athletic Training
Must fill out a separate SCROC application SCROC Classes SCROC classes are off campus and require a separate application. If you wish to take a SCROC class off campus, please circle the time you are taking the course. Do you want to take one of the following? If so, circle one. Off Campus 1:00 – 4:00 4:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 10:00 Must fill out a separate SCROC application
Project Lead The Way Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Aerospace Engineering Engineering Design/Development Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science Principles Cybersecurity/Networking
Other Related Scheduling Information Seniors in good standing (at least 180 credits by end of Jr. year) may take 4 classes. All 9th, 10th, and 11th grades must take 6 classes.
Alternatives for Electives Please look at the bottom of your sheet where it says “Please write 2 Alternatives for Electives”. It is VERY important to fill out this part. If you do not and one of your courses selected does not work, we WILL pick an alternative for you and it WILL NOT be changed in the fall. The more alternatives you select, the more likely you are to get a class you will enjoy.
Summer School Summer School information and registration is available www.tefsbea.org Classes do fill up, so register early You can also save money by registering early If your family has financial need, stop by and see your counselor for a summer school scholarship application. There are a limited number of scholarships designated per high school.
Thank You for Your Time and Attention Happy Scheduling!