INT-767 treatment regulates kidney bile acid composition, bile acid synthesis, and bile acid transporters in high-fat diet–induced obesity mice. INT-767 treatment regulates kidney bile acid composition, bile acid synthesis, and bile acid transporters in high-fat diet–induced obesity mice. (A and B) In mice fed a high-fat diet, there was a significant increase in total bile acid levels. The increases in absolute and relative trichloroacetic acid (TCA) levels were most marked and significant. Treatment with INT-767 induced significant decreases in total bile acid levels and absolute and relative TCA, T-α-MCA, T-β-MCA, T-DCA, and T-HDCA levels. (C and D) High-fat diet induced decreases in Cyp7B1 mRNA, which mediates bile acid synthesis, and ASBT mRNA, which mediates bile acid transport from the urine. Treatment with INT-767 did not cause any significant changes in Cyp7B1 or ASBT mRNA or other bile acid synthesis and bile acid transporter genes. LF, low fat; HF= high fat. WD, Western diet. *P< 0.05 WD compared to LF, **P<0.05 WD/INT compared to WD. Xiaoxin X. Wang et al. JASN 2018;29:118-137 ©2018 by American Society of Nephrology