Youth Leadership Training Your Baptist Church
Mission Statement Youth Leadership Training is a seven week course that is required by all youth desiring to fill the position of Youth Ministry Leader. This training will provide each youth the foundation needed to lead a ministry that requires dedication, enthusiasm, and faithfulness. During the course of seven weeks each youth will be equipped with the ability to reach other students for Christ and learn to pattern their personal leadership skills after the examples set by Christ Himself.
This Training is not for every youth This Training is not for every youth. This will be an intense training for those youth who desire to develop into strong Christian Leaders.
Requirements Write a one paragraph statement on why you desire to be a youth leader. Complete five weeks of daily study (provided by the church). Attend Orientation Meetings Attend six out of seven youth leadership training session (Every Sunday; 8:30 am). Visit with an Adult Mentor once a week for 30 minutes. Complete the “Task of the Week”. Keep a daily journal.
Write a one paragraph statement on why you desire to be a youth leader.
Complete five weeks of daily Bible Study (provided by the church)
Attend Orientation Meetings
Attend six out of seven youth leadership training session (Every Sunday; 8:30 am).
Visit with an Adult Mentor once a week for 30 minutes.
Complete the “Task of the Week”. Memorize scripture Call 3 people and pray for them Tell one person about Jesus Give 3 Bibles away
Keep a Daily Journal
Youth Leadership Service Contract As a trained Youth Leader of Your Baptist Church I promise to adhere to the following guidelines as I following the Will of God in my life. If at anytime I fail to hold-fast to these guidelines, I will forfeit my right to serve as a Youth Leader of Fairy Baptist Church, until such time as the Youth Leadership and Pastor deem me fit for service. Guidelines: Attend Sunday School and Church regularly Bring the Word of God to Sunday School and Church Attend Wednesday Church Youth Group Meetings regularly Complete the Mission project of the month Will not Drink, Smoke or use Tobacco Will keep self pure of Sexual activity Will not use Foul language Will Faithfully read the Word of God and Pray daily Print Name:______________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Each youth who completes this training will receive a certificate and a specialized ring with the inscription “Committed to Christ” to be worn to remind them of their commitment. Once a youth has met all the requirements of the Youth Leadership Training Course they are granted the position of “Youth Leader”