Cockpit-Based Dissemination/Display Hooper Harris Federal Aviation Administration Flight Operations Branch, AFS-410
Flight Standards Aviation Weather Program AFS-400 is home for Flight Standards Weather Program FS Order 1100.1 Flight Operations Branch, AFS-410, and Flight Technology Requirements Branch, AFS–430 are the principal branches conducting this work.
Pilot Operational Use of New Graphics AWRP/NWS programs not successful until pilots can use the products. Agree: Pilot use of products is the end level of AWTT process; Example: NCWF, AIM 7-1-14 First approval for meteorologists/ dispatchers (guidance); disclaimer; product must be planned for use by pilots in reasonable timeframe, AWTT and FPAW not adequate for this. Agree: The highest approval is for operational use by pilots. This level should be attained, if possible. Agree: If limited initial use is appropriate, identify limits (as required). Example: CIP/FIP placard Not agree: AWTT and FPAW are adequate for this task.
Pilot Operational Use of New Graphics (continued) Product inclusion in 14 CFR 91.103 “all available information” language The current rule speaks to reports and forecasts, not specific products. AIM 7-1-3, revise 7-1-2 Develop criteria for the approval of new products without comparison with current AIRMETs/SIGMETs. Such products are being developed and under overview of the AWTT; i.e.., GFA Expand the use of ADDS through pilot education and wide use of links. AIM 7-1-14, revise 7-1-2
Pilot Operational Use of New Graphics (continued) Improve CIP/FIP, making forecasts reasonably accurate up to 6 hours in advance. CIP/FIP need to be reconciled with the “known or forecast” language of 14 CFR 135.227; Potential needs to be reconciled with severity and probability.
Further Information DOT/FAA Hooper Harris Flight Operations Branch, AFS-410 (202) 385-4625