Professional Learning for European Teacher Educators: Addressing Issues of Inclusion/Exclusion in Teacher Education ECER 2018, 10 SES 06 A InfoTED Council: Geert Kelchtermans Marit Ulvik Ainat Guberman Jean Murray Ann MacPhail Ruben Vanderlinde Chair: Simone White
Rationale and format Teacher educators and the inclusion / exclusion conundrum (JM) (5) Introduction to InFo-TED (JM & GK) (10) Current contexts for teacher educators and their professional learning in Ireland, Israel, Norway, England, Belgium (AM, AG, MU, JM, GK) (30) Discussion of inputs and key questions (20) Summary of suggested ways forwards with policy makers (20)
InFo-TED International forum for Teacher Educator Development Goal: to exchange and promote research, policy and practice on teacher educators’ professional development
Conceptual model Background: recent attention (from policy, research and practice) for teacher educators and their professional development First goal of Info-TED: establishing a common language to discuss teacher educators’ professional development Desciptive model: no normative model or blueprint approach
Website and building blocks Visions How I teach is the message Personal, local, national and global Stages of professional development University and school-based TE ICT and technological change Identities Social change Diversity Research Assessment Communication and relations Boundaries
Summer academy NTNU, Trondheim, July 2-6 2018 25 participants (from Belgium, England, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland) and InFo-TED Council members Programme included getting to know each other, formal delivery, time to digest what they had heard / revisit and progress reflections, innovative activities, collaboration, future intentions
Summer academy
Questions Short term: in addressing national and pan-European issues of inclusion/exclusion within teacher educators’ professional learning - How the group might best further develop the structures, form and content of the website? How these and other web-based resources might best be deployed in face- to-face learning events? Longer term: in achieving the same aims – How might the group best work with policy makers nationally and internationally? What kind of sustainability plan for its work might the project best create? How might the group further develop its conceptual model for PL?