HRS Insurance Processing – 12c ONLY! Insurance Processing will allow you to maintain and track employee insurance information including the provider; type of coverage for the employee; as well as the coverage for all dependents Ability to create invoices for COBRA or retirees Invoice – payment due from employee/retiree (expecting a check) Invoice – payment made by the employee/retiree via ACH (receipt) Invoice – payment made by the employer (receipt) The ARS module is a requirement for creating A/R invoices using HRS Insurance Processing
HRS Insurance Processing Menu – example
HRS Insurance Processing Menu – example Menu Builder-AMMEN02A.FMX
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Use the HIP Setup Forms tab to list forms needed to complete setup for HRS Insurance Processing (only one form may be opened at a time)
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Use the HIP Profiles tab to maintain HIP specific profiles
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Profiles-AMPRF01A.FMX Use to maintain alio profiles
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > ARS Standard Items-SMSTD01A.FMX Used for defining items assigned to deduction and benefit master records The standard items are assigned to the insurance deduction and benefit master records and the accounts are used when A/R invoices are posted Default Year: Users-AMSEC05A.FMX
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > ARS Standard Items-SMSTD01A.FMX Employer pays the entire insurance cost: Benefit (one Standard Item) Employee/Retiree and Employer split the insurance cost: Benefit & Deduction (two Standard Items) Employee/Retiree pays the entire insurance cost: Deduction (one Standard Item) Post A/R Invoices-frpst01a.fmx
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Deduction/Benefit Master-HMDED02A.FMX Enter a deduction for retiree paid portion of insurance premium Assign A/R Standard Item; Employee Ded/Ben Tab; corresponding code/plan to link the deduction to a benefit is optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Deduction/Benefit Master-HMDED02A.FMX Enter a benefit for employer paid portion of insurance premium Assign A/R Standard Item; Employee Ded/Ben Tab; corresponding code/plan to link the benefit to a deduction is optional
Deduction/Benefit Master-HMDED02A.FMX Corresponding Ded/Ben Plan Insurance Plan and Coverage-HMBEN05A.FMX Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits-HEDED11A.FMX
Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits-HEDED11A.FMX Assign a retiree paid deduction and employer paid benefit Corresponding code/plan from Ded/Ben Plan-HMDED02A.FMX allows auto-populate of linked deduction/benefits
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Ded/Ben Groups-HMDED07A.FMX Tied to insurance plan coverage Create two ded/ben groups: one for employer paid insurance benefits and another for retiree paid insurance deductions Assign the ded/ben groups to profiles: HMBEN05A_BENEFIT and HMBEN05A_DEDUCTION
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Date Types-HMDTE01A.FMX Use to maintain Date Types for Insurance Declined and Offered dates Assign the date types to profiles: HEINS01A_INSURANCE_DECLINED_DATE_TYPE HEINS01A_INSURANCE_OFFERED_DATE_TYPE Displayed on Employee Insurance Coverage-HEINS01A.FMX
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Coverage Types-HMBEN01A.FMX Use to maintain insurance coverage types; tied to the insurance plan
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Billing Cycles-HMBEN02A.FMX Use to maintain insurance billing cycles; tied to insurance coverage for the employee; used as a filter when creating invoices; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Insurance Providers-HMBEN03A.FMX Use to maintain insurance providers; tied to insurance plans; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Benefit Types-HMBEN04A.FMX Use to maintain types of benefits; tied to insurance plans; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Insurance Plans and Coverage-HMBEN05A.FMX Use to maintain insurance plans and benefit plan coverage Before using HMBEN05A set profiles: HMBEN05A_HIDE_BPC_BLOCK = N and HMBEN05A_DEDUCTION and HMBEN05A_BENEFIT to the ded/ben groups Assign retiree paid deduction and/or employer paid benefit code/plan to the insurance plan via the Insurance Plan Coverage block
A/R Item – Ded/Ben Code Link an A/R Standard Item is tied to a ded/ben code
Insurance Plans and Coverage: Coverage Type Coverage Type: Individual; Family; etc.
Insurance Plans and Coverage: Coverage Type Plan Code must be unique when there are multiple insurance providers offering the same coverage (Health; Dental; etc.) for the same time period Provider examples: Tricare; Kaiser; Blue Shield; Capital Blue Cross
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Benefit Groupings-HMBEN06A.FMX Tied to the insurance coverage for an employee; used as a filter when creating invoices; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > HRS Billing Types-HMBEN07A.FMX Tied to the insurance coverage for an employee; used as a filter when creating invoices; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Relationship Types-HMREL01A.FMX Use to maintain the relationship types master that is used with employee dependents; optional
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Employee Insurance Coverage-HEINS01A.FMX Use to maintain employee insurance plan coverage assignments To create A/R Invoices customer number must be assigned to the employee and the A/R checkbox selected on Employee Insurance Coverage
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Employee Insurance Coverage-HEINS01A.FMX Insurance Offered – Display the date the insurance was offered based on the new profile key and the employee date for the specified date type (hrs.employee_dates) Insurance Declined – Display the date the insurance was declined based on the new profile key and the employee date for the specified date type (hrs.employee_dates) Use these new profiles to define the date types (hrs.employee_dates) used for the following: HEINS01A_INSURANCE_OFFERED_DATE_TYPE HEINS01A_INSURANCE_DECLINED_DATE_TYPE Birth Date – hrs.employee_dates where Date Type = BRTH (read only) Hire Date – hrs.employee_dates where Date Type = HIRE (read only) Term Date – hrs.employee_dates where Date Type = TERM (read only)
Employee Insurance Coverage Listing-HEINS01A.REP Use to review employee insurance coverage before creating A/R Invoices
Employee Insurance Coverage Listing-HEINS01A.REP
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Employee Dependents-HEDEP01A.FMX Use to maintain employee dependents and the associated dependent insurance plan coverage; used for ACA reporting To display the Dependent Plan Coverage – Coverage column set profile: HMBEN05A_HIDE_BPC_BLOCK = N
Dependent Benefits Report-HBDEP01A.REP Includes employee and dependents including benefit type; plan code; plan year; start/end dates; card #; relationship; and DOB
Dependent Benefits Report-HBDEP01A.REP
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Customer Master-FMCST01A.FMX Use to maintain customers associated with retirees who will be invoiced (paper or ACH)
HRS Insurance Processing Setup-HIPSU01A.FMX Setup Form > Customer Master-FMCST01A.FMX Define the customer demographic and bank account (optional) information used to create A/R invoices for insurance premiums and an ACH debit file to automatically withdraw customer (retiree) payment
HRS Insurance Processing – Processing Coming attractions…
A/R Invoice Verification Report-HIPAR01A.REP
Invoice Edit List-FREDT01A.REP
Print Invoices Report-FRPRT01S.REP (ACH/split payment)
Print Invoices Report-FRPRT01S.REP (employer only)
Print Invoices Report-FRPRT01S.REP (retiree only)
HRS Insurance Processing End of Setup