Sharing God’s love through the Christmas Bowl
69 years of the Christmas Bowl Thank you for being a part of a tradition of Christian compassion and unity that has been helping to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and welcome the stranger for almost 70 years. In a world so full of disaster, conflict, injustice and pain, you’ve joined with Christian communities across Australia to make a powerful difference for people in need. Through the Christmas Bowl, you have come together across ages, places and denominations to continue Reverend Frank Byatt’s legacy, and have brought hope, love, peace, joy and light to those who are suffering.
Your gifts and prayers will help give women in Vanuatu the skills they need to protect their families and communities from the next natural disaster. You’ll give them real hope that life can get better, even as the cyclones, flooding and earthquakes that impact their country worsen.
For disadvantaged girls in Pakistan, your generosity means the chance to go to school. Through teacher training and other support, you’ll help girls like Sadia participate in the classroom, realise their potential and build a more peaceful future for everyone around them.
By supporting the Christmas Bowl, you are also sharing God’s healing love with families like Assala’s, who have fled the brutal war in Syria. Your gifts help provide the food, shelter and support they need to rebuild their lives in incredibly difficult circumstances.
Together, you are making an enormous impact for women in Zimbabwe Together, you are making an enormous impact for women in Zimbabwe. Your compassion will help more women like Saliwe to become conservation farmers, so they can feed and support their families during a devastating drought. You’ll bring them the joy that comes with beating back adversity.
By giving to the Christmas Bowl, you are also shining Christ’s light on families like Ayesha’s, who have fled terrible violence in Myanmar. You’ll bring them clean water, shelter and medical care and show them that during their darkest days, there are people here in Australia who care about them.
Your Christmas Bowl gifts support vulnerable people around the world, helping them to survive conflict and disaster and build stronger, fairer and more resilient communities. You are helping those who are displaced and disadvantaged to access what we all deserve: food, water, shelter, healthcare and education. Thank you for sharing your blessings this Christmas, so we can care for people in urgent need and build a better world for all.
Thank you for sharing God’s love this Christmas