Classification of Matter All Matter Pure Substances Mixtures Element Compound NaCl H 2O
Mixtures can further be broken down: HETEROGENEOUS (Mechanical Mixtures) HOMOGENEOUS (Solutions) -particles are evenly mixed so it looks like ONE substance (uniformly mixed) -have varying sizes of particles in the mixture (can be seen) -can be further classified as: Ordinary Mech. Mix. Suspensions Colloids -clear (can be colored) and will not filter out -light passes through evenly Eg. Sugar water
Heterogeneous Mixtures (Mechanical Mixtures) Ordinary Mech. Mix. Suspensions Colloids -can see the different parts -looks like one substance but the two parts will separate out over time -small particles of one substance suspended in another -parts stay mixed Eg. cookie dough gravel, cement -CAN be filtered and WILL scatter light -WILL scatter light Eg. Hair Gel, Fog (Water vapour and air) Eg. Dust and water
Colloid -light is scattered by the particles in the liquid Solution -light easily passes though
Colloids Emulsions -a liquid that is mixed in with another liquid Eg. Milk, jelly, and salad dressing PROBLEM: may quickly separate to form layer of the original liquids. That is why we use emulsifying agents.