Impact on Learning: Feedback in On-line Assignments Improving calculus-based introductory physics at Iowa State Phys 221 and 222, enrollment 400-650 Fall and Spring Semester Online assignments vs paper assignments Feedback in online assignments Impact on student learning Craig Ogilvie, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Assignments/Problem Sets in Physics Courses Weekly, six to eight problems, each problem ~ ½ page algebra typically 10-15% of final grade Hand-written solutions handed in to TA usually before or after weekly recitation session with TA TA grades ~ 50 problem sets per week, up to 400 questions perfunctory, partial grading, little or no feedback to student a week later record-keeping error prone
Possible Benefits of Online Assignments Feedback to each student faster specific to mistakes that the student made studies on written feedback have shown both are important Reduction of grading load on TAs TA time can be used in more effective ways Long-term potential tailoring of assignments to student skill profile
Assignments Typical end-of-chapter problems students would print these out and work offline up to 10 multiple choice options Feedback given immediately student submitted work number questions right full solutions specific advice if they got a wrong answer Growing pool of questions students would randomly receive different problems
Impact of Timeliness of Feedback Randomly split students into two groups for one assignment group A received immediate feedback on problem set group B received feedback after due date of problem set typically one to two days later Any difference in learning the physics of this assignment ? scores on standard magnetism diagnostic I did not study online vs paper assignments others have found small difference, Mestre et al. feedback vs no feedback
Average Gains vs Timing of Feedback Group A received immediate feedback on assignment Group B received feedback delayed by 1-2 days Post-instruction diagnostic 10 days after assignment Gain measured for related questions t-test, n ~100, p=0.12 likely difference in <post> students immediate feedback learned more, 5% higher gain
Next Steps Include help/advice/hints for each question links to textbook resources video clips of similar worked problems Figure out how to develop a skill profile for each question rank skills needed e.g. calculus, trig., problem set up use this to update student’s profile in these areas tool for students to assess where they need improvement