Central College, Summer 2017 Syllabus for PHYS 2325 (University PHYS I) Central College, Summer 2017 Course Title: University Physics I Course Number: PHYS 2325-0001 Class Number: 10304 Semester: Summer 2017 Session: 0001 Time: TRF 6/5 to 7/9 (8AM to 11:00 AM) Location: CE-Learning Hub Sci Rm 403
Central College, Summer 2017 Syllabus for PHYS 2325 (University PHYS I) Central College, Summer 2017 Course Title: University Physics I Course Number: PHYS 2325-0002 Class Number: 10351 Semester: Summer 2017 Session: 0001 Time: MoTuWeTh 6/5 to 7/9 (3:30PM to 6:00 PM) Location: CE-Learning Hub Sci Rm 403
Ask Question, Great Understanding Out! Information about me and the class Information AQ Guo Ask Question, Great Understanding Out! Instructor: AQ Guo Email: aqiang.guo@hccs.edu Office Hours: Arrange appointment with instructor/before (after class) Course Information: HCC Learning Web http://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/aqiang.guo Grade Information: Canvas: Canvas is only used for you to check your detail records. Final grade calculation equation is based on Syllabus. Office Phone: To be announced Office Location & Hours Central Campus LHSB 401 11:00AM – 12:30 PM, Tu, Th, Fr Arrange appointment with instructor. Before/after class.
Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Email to me: aqiang.guo@hccs.edu Subject/Title: 1. Index #: 8; 2. Name 3. Phys 2325 8AM/3PM Class 4. Question about …. Your HW must have a cover page. The cover page should only have all the following information: 1. Index # (the instructor will assign you your index #) 2. Name 3. Class (you need to specify whether 8am or 3pm class) Without cover page or missing some information will result in a 5% grade penalty. Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Index ID Name 2/18 2/20 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/6 3/11 1 12345678 Benoot, Peter L L 2 Brainerd, Paul 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lee,John
Course Information Prerequisites: Math 2413 (calculus-based physics course) Course Description and Goals: Mechanics Fluids and Waves (Chapter 1 to 18) approximately 1.5 chapter per week. The specific subjects covered will be: One-dimensional motion, vectors, motion in a plane, dynamics, work and energy, impulse and momentum, collisions, rotational kinematics, rotational dynamics, gravity, fluids, oscillations, and mechanical waves. Textbooks: Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway (7th Edition). Student Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0495-01312-9 and ISBN-10: 0-495-01312-9 Instructor Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0495-11375-1 and ISBN-10: 0-495-11375-1 Academic Honesty: Zero tolerance for any type of academic dishonesty. Attendance and Withdrawal Policy: Keep perfect attendance is essential for any science class. Students are responsible by themselves for catching up the course works due to absence, tardiness or any other forms of missing the class. NO MAKE UP for any TEST, LAB or QUIZ
Grade Calculation Grading Scale: 100-90 =A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, <60 = F Two Tests: 60% (Each test will be concentrated with specific chapters. The test date and the exact content will be pre-announced. No make up for any Test) Home Work: 30% HW due date: one weekend after each HW is assigned (Tuesday for 8AM class, Monday for 3PM class), you need turn in your HW. Only original HW-sheet accepted, NO Email FAX, Photocopy. No credit will be given for HW turned in later. Lecture Notes: 5% The instructor will check each student’s lecture notes each week Attendance: (10 minutes late will count for half of your attendance grade of that day.) Bonus Points: The instructor may make a small adjustment to the student’s grade if the student shows a strong desire of active learning. For example, if he/she (1) asks questions, (2) corrects my mistakes, (3) vocalizes his/her solutions for the discussion topic/problem, (4) requests that I speak more clearly or adjust my handwriting, or (5) teaches other students, etc.
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2325 ??? (June 26): Last day to withdraw Make –up Policy: No make up allowed for any test, lab, quiz and the final. No credit will be given for HW turned in later. Withdraw from the class: Students are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from a class. If your name is still on the roster and you intended to drop the class but did not do so officially and you thus miss multiple exams, you will recieve an “F”. Make sure that if you want to drop or withdraw from the class, you do so officially. If the class is still on your official schedule, you have not dropped or withdrawn from the class. ??? (June 26): Last day to withdraw
Your Goal and My Goal Your Goal (where is your bar?) Information about about you What is your major? career goals? favorite subject of study? What is the reason you want to take this subject or class? Etc. My Goal (where is your bar?) Help you to achieve your goal (really understand this topic) Your major career goals I will teach the level higher than the 3 tests. To meet those have a higher bar.
I Want Everyone Know That How to Pass 2325 (Limit Bar on the Syllabus ) Become a Real Game Player 1. Involve in the game (1). Attendance. (2). HW. (3). Ask Question 2. Concentrate 3. Work hard … I Want Everyone Know That If you really want to be your best, your coach always there ready to help you.
How to Pass 2325 (Limit Bar on the Syllabus ) Become a Real Game Player Grade Calculation Grading Scale – 100-90 =A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, <60 = F Att (Counts 30%) Notes (Counts 5%). Tests (60%) Homework (Counts 30%) Bonus Points: The instructor may make a small adjustment to the student’s grade if the student shows a strong desire of active learning. For example, if he/she (1) asks questions, (2) corrects my mistakes, (3) vocalizes his/her solutions for the discussion topic/problem, (4) requests that I speak more clearly or adjust my handwriting, or (5) teaches other students, etc. 10 minutes late will count for half of your attendance grade of that day.
Format of your HW ---- Index number: 8 ---- Name: Lee, John 1 Benoot,Peter L 2 Brainerd, Paul 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lee, John ---- Index number: 8 ---- Name: Lee, John ----PHYS 2325 8AM/3PM ---- Ch3 (Prob 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20) Paper size Ch 3 HW 3.11 1. Write clearly 2. Draw figure show what is the question? What is given? What is asking? 3. What theory or equation used 4. Calculation 5.Final Answer Cover Page (Print !!!) Page 1, 2, 3, …
Format of your HW Your HW must have a cover page. The cover page should only have all the following information: 1. Index # (the instructor will assign you your index #) 2. Name 3. Class (you need to specify whether 8am or 3pm class) Without cover page or missing some information will result in a 5% grade penalty. Ch 3 HW 3.11 1. Write clearly 2. Draw figure show what is the question? What is given? What is asking? 3. What theory or equation used 4. Calculation 5.Final Answer You must follow the HW Structure requirements on the right. And it is worth 20% for every HE. If you do not follow requirements mentioned, you are starting with 80%, that is, you have lost 20% of your HW grade. Page 1, 2, 3, …
PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Academic Integrity College core values: honesty respect fairness accountability 10 minutes late will count for half of your attendance grade of that day. PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Index ID Name 2/18 2/20 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/6 3/11 1 12345678 Benoot,Peter L L 2 Brainerd, Paul 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lee, John L Late/leave earlier 10 min
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2325 Academic Integrity College core values: honesty, respect, fairness, and accountability. Class Distractions: Doing something else which suppose should not do during class Show Your Respect to Anyone in the Class
PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) University Physics I Almost all the time in this class, I will not use PowerPoint. I will write on the board. It is your responsibility to make your notes. You may ask/stop me whenever my handwriting is not clear to you. I will use learning web to send HW and test answers. HW and test format (No multiple-choice): Index number Your Name Phys 2325 PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Index ID Name 2/18 2/20 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/6 3/11 1 12345678 Benoot, Peter L L 2 Brainerd, Paul 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lee, John
AQ Law What you reap = what you sow Work = Force Distance
University Physics I Physics Greek work Physics means nature, Historically Physics is a branch of science that developed out of philosophy, and was thus referred as natural philosophy until the late 19th century. Currently, physics is defined as the study of matter, energy, and the relation between them. Using everyday language, Physics study everything (anything) which you can sense (see, hear, touch, etc.) and their relation. Thinking Physics as a Puzzle To play a puzzle, you need to have a few piece puzzles. And then you connect different pieces together correctly. In physics (puzzle box), these pieces are some physical concepts (or quantities). Different pieces (concepts) have correct connections. Some of the connections are so important that they are called them the Laws of physics. The language of these connections are Mathematics. In this class the Math language used will be Calculus.
University Physics I Thinking Physics as a Puzzle Puzzle { pieces, connect different pieces } Physics { concepts (or quantities), (concepts) connections } Language used for connections --- Mathematics. Important connections --- the Laws of physics.
Rotation and Angular momentum Map of University Physics I Game 1 (Ch1 to 6) Motion and Newton’ Law Game 2 (Ch7, 8, 9) Energy and Momentum Game 3 (Ch10,11,12) Rotation and Angular momentum Game 4 (Ch13, 14): Gravitation and Fluid Game 5 (Ch15,16,17,18) Oscillation and Wave Week 1,2 Week 3, 4 Test 2 Test 1
Now Start Game 1 Game 1 (Ch 1 to Ch6): Motion and Newton’ Law Newton’s Law S T M 1D 2D Math