How do we compare Fusion Digital Lesson Historical Models of The Solar System Set up Paper for Cornell Notes- Use Book Unit 3 Lesson 1 Before Galileo, astronomers did not have the use of telescopes. Explain how they made their observations? Explain the difference between Copernicus's model of the solar system and Kepler's model of the solar system? Describe the difference between Galileo's model of heliocentrism and Copernicus's model of heliocentrism? Why couldn't Aristarchus get people to support his heliocentric model even though, as we know now, it was closer to the truth than the geocentric theory? Explain how did Copernicus explained the apparent, occasional backward motion of planets? What is "parallax?" Why couldn't early astronomers see star parallax, as they would have expected to if the Earth was rotating around the Sun? List each astronomer studied in this lesson and describe his contribution to developing a model of the solar system.