Data Integration Roundtable TRAFFIC RECORDS FORUM BALTIMORE, MD August 2016
Current traffic records integration activity in Kentucky Continuing core crash-injury linkages Crash and inpatient (2000-2014) Crash and emergency dept (ED) (2008-2014) Attempting to add new linkages FARS (for improved alcohol and drug test data) KY death certificate files Crash and trauma registry (2013-2014) Crash to EMS Crash to vehicle registration Crash and emergency medical services (EMS) Crash and vehicle registration (VR)
Facilitators to traffic records integration in KY Section 405 funding KY Office of Highway Safety and TRCC supportive of integration Integration has been made a priority goal in KY traffic records assessments University of Kentucky/Injury Prevention and Research Center relationship with KY Dept for Public Health
Barriers to traffic records integration in KY Key players missing from TRCC Vehicle registration Driver licensing Administrative Office of the Courts Time and support to pursue additional funding Limitation: Inability to track medical care over time
Going forward Improving drugged driving surveillance through integration Occupational record linkage proposal (Bunn/Slavova/Singleton) KY Health Data Trust project (APCD)