Eng Lit, LAP 1, Day 3 Go over last night’s reading
Homework Read Beowulf pages 45-60 Journal: 200 words, minimum (include word count). Use questions 1-5 (Thinking Critically) on p. 63 as bouncing off points. Open Labs: Lit Terms due G day, 1/15 Vocab Unit 7 due 1/18
Lit Terms Protagonist: the central character in the story. Antagonist: the force or person who opposes the protagonist. Motivation: the reason for acting in a certain way.
Conflict Internal: External: Person v. self Person v. person Person v. nature Person v. society
Point of View Vantage point, or perspective from which a story is told– who is telling the story. First person: story is told by someone who participates in or witnesses the action. The person (the narrator) uses words like I and we in telling the story. Second person: uses the word you and addresses the reader directly, positioning the reader in the story. Third person: Narrator stands outside of the action and observes, using words such as he, she, it, and they. Third person limited: the thoughts of only the narrator or a single character are revealed. Third person omniscient: the thoughts of all of the characters are revealed.
Lit Terms Alliteration: the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words. Theme: the central idea or message in a work of literature.
Plot Exposition: (introduction) sets the tone or mood, introduces the characters and setting, and givens necessary background information. Rising action: conflict is developed and intensified. Climax: the high point of interest or suspense Falling action: all of the events that follow the climax. Resolution: point at which the central conflict is ended or resolved.