Qui veut être un millionaire?!!!
What are ‘les pantalons’? Question 1 What are ‘les pantalons’? shoes a hat shorts pants
Question 2 These go on your feet. la tuque le chandail les bottes le pantalon la tuque le chandail
This keeps your arms warm. Question 3 This keeps your arms warm. une tuque un t-shirt une mitaine un chandail
Question 4 You wear this around your neck. une tuque un manteau un pantalon un manteau un foulard
What is the correct spelling? Question 5 What is the correct spelling? un pamtalon un pantalon un pantaloon un pantilon
Question 6 A coat is ____________. le gant la tuque le manteau le foulard
les crayons de couleurs Question 7 You wear two of these. les mitaines les ciseaux les yeux les crayons de couleurs
You wear this on your head. Question 8 You wear this on your head. une gomme une tuque une chemise une mitaine
These keep your legs warm. Question 9 These keep your legs warm. les mitaines le pantalon la jupe les lunettes de soleil
How do you say belt in French? Question 10 How do you say belt in French? un jean une chemise une ceinture les sandales
You wear this when it is hot outside. Question 11 You wear this when it is hot outside. une tuque un sweatshirt un foulard un short
How do you say hat in French? Question 12 How do you say hat in French? un bague un bracelet un pyjama un chapeau
Which of these is not a piece of clothing? Question 13 Which of these is not a piece of clothing? un bracelet un t-shirt une chemise une jupe
Which of these is a piece of jewellery? Question 14 Which of these is a piece of jewellery? un bague les sandales un jean une veste
She is wearing a t-shirt. Question 15 What does this sentence mean? “Il porte un t-shirt.” She is wearing shoes. She is wearing a t-shirt. He is wearing a t-shirt. He likes t-shirts.
I Think the Answer is A A
I Think the Answer is B B
I Think the Answer is C C
I Think the Answer is D D
I Think the Answer is Don’t Know I’m not too sure
A B C D Audience A
A B C D Audience B
A B C D Audience C
Audience D A B C D
A B C D Audience Draw
You leave with nothing
You Leave with £1000
You Leave with £32,000
Won a Million