2018 Athletic Director Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

2018 Athletic Director Workshop

Welcome Introduction of CIF-SS Staff

2018 Athletic Director Workshop Agenda: Welcome – CIF-SS Staff Opening Remarks – Commissioner Rob Wigod 2018-2019 – Preview Guidelines for Communication with the CIF-SS Staff   CIFSS Home - Electronic Based System for All CIF-SS Things – New for 2018-2019 Cell Phone App Athletic Director Worksheet/Transfer Forms Updated International Students Transfer Form Score Discrepancy Message on Home Page Playoff Entry – Position/Place Mandatory (League Coordinators) New Rules for 2018-2019 Synopsis of Blue Book Changes for 2018-19 & Review of major rule changes for the 2018-2019 year. Key Reminders Schedules and Scores – Important for the competitive equity playoff format To Do List – Based on due dates, the system will remind you of what needs to be sent to our office and when Misconduct Work Flow – Ejections Reports, uploads, etc. Eligibility – “Layers of Eligibility”

Agenda Continued: CIF-SS Website – www.cifss.org Blue Book Online Individual Sport Pages & Playoff Groupings Previews, Playoff Bulletins, Playoff Handbooks, Polls & Press Releases Playoff Brackets, Coin Flip Results, Time Changes CIF Southern Section News Sports Medicine and Resource Tabs   Points of Emphasis for the upcoming 2018-2019 School year Schedules & Scores for Power Rankings – (Common Errors) Last game not recorded Max Preps – Accepting Scores Non-CIF School & Byes Tournament Games State/Regional Games Maximum Contacts/Contests Officials and School Responsibilities – Athletic Contests Administrator on Site CBEDS (Due October 1, 2018) Sportsmanship at Athletic Contests MVP AD Program CIF-SS Athletic Administrators Summit (October 15, 2018) 2018-2019 Calendar

CIFSS Home CIFSS Home - Electronic Based System for All CIF-SS Things Changes for 2018-2019 Cell Phone App Continues to Add Features Error Messages Will Appear If Submitting With Missing Information International Student Transfer Form (Revised): VCR / Non-Participation / Limited Athletic Director Worksheet/Transfer Forms Updated Score Discrepancy Message on Home Page Playoff Entry – Position/Place Mandatory (League Coordinators) Reminders: Message Center – Our office will have message for you when you log on, if applicable To Do List – Based on due dates, the system will remind you of what needs to be sent to our office and when Transfer Work Flow – Document requirements Misconduct Work Flow – Ejections Reports, uploads, etc.

International Student Transfer Form revised to match new bylaw change. Removed SOP request.

Athletic Director’s Worksheet Worksheet has two new questions to help with a VCR request.

Valid Change of Residence Transfer Request Updated This form will now ask for you to enter a date the entire family unit moved into the new address and a date the entire family unit vacated the form address.

Score Discrepancy Report New AD to AD function to help track game results. Click on the game/event to open and correct or enter a missing result.

Playoff Entry Key points for the League Coordinator

Sit Out Period Update The Sit-Out Period will be 50% of the total number of days in that particular season of sport. The number of days in a season is determined by each Section in accordance with their first allowable competition date through the final regular season competition date. If total number of days in a season is an odd number, then the Sit-Out Period would be 50% plus one additional day. The student who transfers after School B’s first contest will have an SOP equivalent in calendar days to the SOP of all other students who transferred before the season started. The respective CIF Section Office will provide the actual date once the proper forms are received, reviewed and approved. The Sit-Out dates have been posted on the 2018-2019 calendar for each individual sport.

New Questions & Answers for 2018-2019 Pre-Enrollment Contact for Non-School Teams (Bylaw 510)  Question: How does Pre-Enrollment Contact apply to members of a Non-School Athletic Team(s) who are also associated with a high school athletic staff?   Answer: Members of a Non-School Athletic Team may include but are not limited to: Owners(s), Board of Directors, Administrative Positions, and Advisors with any organization/club in which student athletes of his/her high school participate. End of Competition (Various Sports) (End of Competition) Question: Will contest(s) played after the completion of league play and/or submission of league entries impact seeding or rankings? Answer: No, once the league entries have been submitted a school will be seeded and ranked based on the teams results as of (various dates based on different sports) Sunday Restrictions (Various Sports) (Sunday Restriction) Question: If my club/travel team coach is also my high school coach can we meet on Sundays under the guidelines/parameters of the club/travel program? Answer: No, the relationship of the club/travel team does not release the student and/or coach from the Sunday Contact Rule during the season of sport.

CIF Southern Section Website 2018-2019 CIF-SS Website – www.cifss.org Blue Book Online Individual Sport Pages & Playoff Groupings Previews, Playoff Bulletins, Playoff Handbooks Playoff Brackets, Coin Flip Results, Time Changes Polls & Press Releases CIF Southern Section News Sports Medicine Tab Resource Tab

CIF Southern Section Information Points of Emphasis for the upcoming 2018-2019 School year Schedules & Scores for Power Rankings (Common Errors) (See Handout) Last game not recorded Non-CIF School Tournament Games State/Regional Games Byes Max Preps – Accepting Scores Maximum Contacts/Contests Officials and School Responsibilities – Athletic Contests Administrator on Site MVP AD Program CBEDS (Due to CIF-SS Office by October 1, 2018) Sportsmanship at Athletic Contests Sudden Cardiac Arrest/Concussion Information Sheet (forms) CIF-SS Athletic Administrators Summit (October 15, 2018) 2018-2019 Calendar


CIF-SS Concussion Information School: .   You are receiving this information sheet about concussions because of California state law AB 25 (effective January 1, 2012), now Education Code § 49475: (http://www.cifstate.org/sports-medicine/concussions/CIF_Concussion_Info_Sheet.pdf) 1. The law requires a student-athlete who may have a concussion during a practice or game to be removed from the activity for the remainder of the day. 2. Any student-athlete removed for this reason must receive a written note from a medical doctor trained in the management of concussion before returning to practice. 3. Before a student-athlete can start the season and begin practice in a sport, a concussion information sheet must be signed and returned to the school by the student-athlete and the parent or guardian. Every 2 years all coaches are required to receive training about concussions (AB 1451), as well as certification in First Aid training, CPR, and AEDs (life-saving electrical devices that can be used during CPR). For current and up-to-date information on concussions you can visit: http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/HeadsUp/youth.html I acknowledge that I have received and read the CIF Concussion Information Sheet. Student-Athlete Name ____________________________ Student Athlete ____________________ ___ __ Date_________ (Print) (Signature) Parent/Legal Guardian Name ________________________Parent/Legal Guardian _________________________ Date_________ (Print) (Signature)

CIF Southern Section 2018-2019 Calendar

CIF Southern Section 2018-2019 Calendar

CIF Southern Section 2018-2019 Calendar

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