FOCUS LEARNING AREAS/TOPICS Strategic HRM Introduction To HRD Strategic HRD Integration between HRM And HRD
GROUP DISCUSSION & PLENARY FEEDBACK AND DISCUSSION Develop a definition of SHRM What are the three top challenges for HRM currently “For many organisations, emerging markets used to be the last thing they focused on. now its becoming the first. hr today is increasingly asked to support global growth strategies with a specific focus on emerging markets “ (deloitte) What implications does expansion into emerging markets have for Human Resource Management?
VIDEO VIEWING AND PLENARY DISCUSSION Video viewing (15min): The video is entitled “Global Business Driven HR: The Journey Continues” and is available from:
VIDEO VIEWING AND PLENARY DISCUSSION TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: HR drivers and trends in terms of HR transformation Hr transformation strategies: talent-led HR transformation and emerging markets led HR transformation Conventional HR transformation and recent trends Emerging technologies and their challenges Business-driven HR for HR transformation
INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (HRD) GROUP DISCUSSION: Develop a comprehensive definition of HRD Examine the link between HRD and HRM What are the current HRD trends nationally and internationally What are the implications of not having a strategic HRD function in an organisation plenary feedback
VIDEO VIEWING AND PLENARY DISCUSSION Video viewing (5 min): The video is entitled: “Linking HRD strategy to organisational needs” and is available from:
VIDEO VIEWING AND PLENARY DISCUSSION TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: HRD as a function of HRM Integration of HRD to organisational goals HRD strategy
ASSIGNMENT PREPARATION The assignment will require time to complete as it requires research and planning The assignment needs to be of a professional standard The assignment answers will be assessed in terms of organisation, analysis, presentation and use of references Students should stay within the length limitations indicated and should closely follow the guidelines provided in the assignment question Students must be alerted to the importance of referencing correctly!
ASSIGNMENT - TOPICS FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION Overview of SHRD Strategically oriented cycle of HRD activities Strategy formulation Characteristics of strategically mature HRD Integration of HRD strategy and HRM strategy (horizontal alignment) – HRD function ensures HRD strategy, policies, plans and practices are consistent with HRM policies, plans and practices Emphasis on the need for wider horizontal integration of organisational processes
ASSIGNMENT - TOPICS FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION (contin…) Integration and alignment of HRD strategy with overall strategy of the organisation (vertical integration) Analysis of business strategy and identification of HRD implications then converted into HRD objectives and an HRD strategy for the organisation Nature and significance of a learning organisation Organisational practices that help build towards a learning organisation Application of the learning organisation implementation plan