Women Gain Rights 11.2
Start up Improved access to education Laws to limit the sale or consumption of alcohol Better wages and working conditions Gaining right to vote Put yourself in the role of a Progressive reform leader. Rank these goals in what you think should be their order of importance, from most important to least important. Write them down on a piece of paper with your name on it. Start up
Florence Kelly believed women were hurt by unfair prices for goods they had to buy to run their houses. In 1899, she helped found the National Consumers League which is still active today. Temperance movement – members felt alcohol lead men to squander their earnings on liquor and neglect or abuse their families. Ida B. Wells – helped form the National Association of Colored Women. She was well known for leading an anti-lynching campaign through writing for newspapers and speaking tours. Women gain rights
Women seek equal rights Susan B. Anthony – felt betrayed when Radical Republicans did not include women in the 14th and 15th Amendments. By time of her death in 1906, only four states had granted women the right to vote (Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Utah) June 1919 passing of 19th Amendment which stated that the right to vote “shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex” Women seek equal rights
Think of some ways that the role of women has changed since the late 1880’s. How have the lives of women become better since then? Can you think of any ways in which it has stayed the same or gotten worse? Activity #1
Do you think individuals leaders such as Susan B Do you think individuals leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton or mass movements such as parades and protests was more important in expanding the right of women to participate in the democratic process? What do you think?
Answer the following question and hand in prior to leaving today. Why do you think it took women so long to win the right to vote in America? Exit ticket