RETENTION SCORECARD PRESENTATION Assessment Centre Assessments for Success and Pre-Admission Testing IDS October 11th, 2013
PROGRAM OVERVIEW CURRENT OFFERINGS Tech Bridging Program (HWDSB) Pre-Admission: Mature Applicant Testing English Math Pre-Apprenticeship Testing (MTCU) Mechanical Reasoning CLBPT (Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test) IELTS (International English Language Testing System) HOAE (Health Occupations Aptitude Examination) Post-Admission Assessments for Success Communications (Reading and Writing) SES (Student Entrance Survey) I-CELBAN (Institutional Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses ) IN THE WORKS & POSSIBILITES Pre-Admission: HOAE (CVT, OTA/PTA, PhTech) Skilled Trades Training Pre-Adm Testing Program Specific Pre-Admission Testing for all over subscribed programs Adult Upgrading (College and Career Prep) Post-Admission: Computer Aptitude Testing (if desired) ILO (Institutional Learning Outcome) Official ICELBAN Assessment Centre 2 year Research Project along with York University
Assessment Centre Data Fall 2013 - Total Number of Students Assessed: 4347 Communications Assessed: 3979 Below Benchmark:1215 (30.5%) Math Assessed: 2070 Below Benchmark of 60%: 1122 (54.2%) Communications and Math Assessed: 1705 Below Both Benchmarks: 384 (22.5%)
TARGET GROUPS Pre-Admission Post Admission Program Specific Testing (ie. HOAE) – All applicants Mature Applicant Testing – All Applicants that require Math or English credit for their program Post Admission All first semester confirmed students enrolled in a post-secondary program (excluding graduate certificates and degree programs)
AREAS OF FOCUS Students’ Skills Integrate student assessment data (Math and Communications) into DegreeWorks Using early assessments to allow students to complete and clear remedial work prior to semester start Conduct math and communication pilot Math – Nelson Communications – Pearson Produce a detailed at-risk report using Assessment Centre data along with Institutional Research data. Report is provided to the Student Success and Initiative department for the purpose of contacting at-risk students in order to administer workshops prior to attending classes. I-CELBAN Research Project (partnership with York University – currently pending approval) Language Studies Department & My Foundations Lab...
TACTICS FINANCIAL LITERACY AND SUPPORT CAREER CLARITY Self funded (testing fees and student fees) Currently surplus. Growth in revenue if testing space increased CAREER CLARITY Student Entrance Survey (SES) is administered on all incoming students who assess
CONCERNS / ISSUES Space Remediation Courses prior to semester start
THE FUTURE … Implementation of an Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Fully online courses initiated by Assessment Centre with completion and further assessment Oversee both Math and Communications remediation triggered by early assessments
Q & A 5 Minutes