6th and 7th Grade Open House Sept. 27, 2018
Teachers 6th Grade Language Arts: Ms. Dippel, Ms. Harris 7th Grade Language Arts: Ms. Henry 6th Grade Math: Ms. Crichlow 7th Grade Math: Ms. Jankowski Science: Ms. Starr Social Studies: Mr. Schiffern Teachers of Diverse Learners: Ms. Dippel, Ms. McLennon, Mr. Piehl
Preparing for the High School Process Ms. Chesebro 7th grade scores/grades Walk and Talk about High School w/Mrs.Chesebro (elective)- 1st quarter of 8th grade High School Fair @ Columbus Elem.School Naviance go.cps.edu
Daily Schedule *some classes vary in times of essentials 8:15-8:45 Homeroom 8:45-10:15 Period 1 10:15-11:35 Period 2 11:35-11:45 Agendas/Prep for lunch 11:45-12:30 Recess/Lunch 12:30-1:30 Essentials 1:30-3:00 Period 3 3:00-3:15 Agendas/Dismissal Daily Schedule *some classes vary in times of essentials
Language Arts Reading/writing is combined in a workshop model containing lessons, small group work, and independent work time each day. Independent reading and writing at home will be key to student growth. (DAILY) 7th Grade Classwork & Homework to ask students about: Reading Journal, Vocabulary work, Commentary assignments. Please contact Ms. Dippel/Ms.Harris or Ms. Henry with further questions.
Mathematics Curriculum: Connected Mathematics Project 3 (CMP) CMP promotes inquiry-based instruction. CMP is problem-centered. CMP identifies big ideas and goes for depth. Parent Resources under links on Ms.Jankowski’s and Ms. Crichlow’s pages on Mitchell website Homework is once or max twice a week in 7th and 8th Homework in 6th grade is finishing up classwork assignments.
Social Studies Mr. Schiffern: cschiffern@cps.edu Students will: Analyze primary and secondary sources Engage with current events Participate in simulations Complete research projects 6th Grade: Ancient Civilizations 7th Grade: Early American History 8th Grade: Later American History
Science Ms. Starr: dmwipf@cps.edu You can see the topics for 6th and 7th Grade Science on the Ms. Starr’s page on the school website.
Essentials Students will have Music, P.E., Art, Naviance, and Chinese once each week. On Wednesdays, students will attend an elective. Electives are additional classes taught by teachers on more specialized topics. Quarter One Options: Soccer, Lyric Slam, Teacher in Training, Improv, Art, Urban Garden, Piano Keyboard, Indoor Garden, and High School Prep
Homeroom Time Community building social emotional skills with the Second Step Program Executive functioning skills with Rush Neurobehavioral Program
Executive Functioning Materials: Language Arts: blue folder/blue notebook Social Studies: red folder/red notebook Math: yellow folder/yellow notebook Science: green folder/green notebook Agenda Homework Folder Recommendation: No Binders unless they are maintained properly
Grading Policy Classwork and Participation 20% Homework 10% Tests/Quizzes/Projects/Perf. Tasks 70% You can track student grades in Gradebook on the student/parent portal Parent Portal Maybe add an asterisk at bottom - Special Education grading weights vary.
Homework There will be some homework most nights If a student is absent, it is up to them to get missed assignments and complete them. Students have had lessons on using their agendas and are expected to write down homework in the agenda daily.
Friday Detention Students can earn Checks for: Being unprepared for class Missing assignments Disruptive behavior in class, hallway or essentials If students get three checks, they will be assigned detention for the following week. A detention communication form will be sent home on Tuesdays. They should be signed and returned before the detention is served on Friday. Friday Detention
Detention Tracker Screenshot of tracking sheet Picture of the Detention communication form
Detention Communication Form
Teacher Contacts - Found on staff pages of website Science: Ms. Starr dmwipf@cps.edu Social Studies: Mr. Schiffern cschiffern@cps.edu Teachers of Diverse Learners: Ms. Dippel mcdippel1@cps.edu Teachers of Diverse Learners: Ms. McLennon jrobrien@cps.edu Teachers of Diverse Learners: Mr. Peihl kmpiehl@cps.edu 6th Grade ELA: Ms. Dippel mcdippel1@cps.edu Ms. Harris snharris1@cps.edu 7th Grade ELA: Ms. Henry mmazza@cps.edu 6th Grade Math: Ms. Crichlow mlchrichlow@cps.edu 7th Grade Math: Ms. Jankowski jljankowski@cps.edu Counselor/Case Manager: Ms. Chesebro - lmconnors@cps.edu