LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SS.912.A.2.4 Distinguish the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans and other groups with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. SS.912.A.2.5 Assess how Jim Crow Laws influenced life for African Americans and other racial/ethnic minority groups. SS.912.A.2.6 Compare the effects of the Black Codes and the Nadir on freed people, and analyze the sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States.
Reconstruction The period in United States history following the Civil War in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the Southern states back into the Union.
Freedmen A person who had been freed from slavery.
Amnesty A political pardon for former confederates
Ten Percent Plan Lincoln’s proposal for reconstruction that suggested that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10% of its voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Union.
Wade-Davis Bill Bill passed by the Radical Republicans Required 50% to take Oath of Allegiance Disqualified Confederate officials from holding office
Reconstruction Act of 1867 Act passed by Congress that divided the South (except Tennessee) into five military districts in which the authority of the army commander was supreme.
Citizenship The status of being a citizen If you have citizenship in a country, you have the right to live there, work, and vote.
14th Amendment Gives full citizenship to all born in the United States and equal protection under the law.
15th Amendment Prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
Segregation Setting someone or something apart from other people or things
Impeachment A formal accusation of wrongdoing against a public official.
Sharecropping A system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops.
Freedmen’s Bureau A U.S. federal government agency established in 1865 to aid freedmen (freed slaves) in the South Field Order 15: Forty acres and a mule
Black Codes Laws passed by Southern states in 1865 and 1866, after the Civil War. These laws had the intent and the effect of restricting African Americans' freedom, and of compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt.
Civil Rights Bill of 1866 Congressional attempt to guarantee black rights Johnson vetoed. Made all people born in the U.S., regardless of former condition of slavery, citizens (with the exception of Indians). Gave same legal rights of suing, providing testimony, owning/leasing/selling/inheriting property to blacks.
Jim Crow Laws Statutes enacted by Southern states and municipalities, beginning in the 1880s, that legalized segregation between blacks and whites.