The Society Review Consultation Judith Toland
We have to change…. Changing context and environment Changing how we work for members Currently We do not meet the needs of our members as well as we would like The existing networks and structures are far too complex, There is duplication of effort and output, There is a focus on administration rather than outcomes There is dilution of impact as a professional body, All of which can negatively impact upon our reputation and ability to support psychologists and promote the profession
Society Review Key Questions Purpose of the review To improve impact as an organisation To support both learned society and professional body function better Deliver a simple, more agile structure to meet member needs Improve operational effectiveness Value the input of volunteer and members Key Questions What do we do, What are we for and How do we do it? How do we support and enable networks for our members? How do we enable members to continuously learn and develop? How do we raise the profile of, and advocate for, psychology, As a profession As a contributor to change and improvement in people’s lives As a voice in public policy
BPS Design Principles - proposal These principles act a guide and test for the new design under the Society Review. They are not intended to be exhaustive but provide the ‘test’ and fit of any new design. The new design must:- Respect and acknowledge psychological specialism Support and enable members to develop their knowledge and CPD Reduce administrative load Enable more cross boundary/specialism working Simplify and clarify definitions/nomenclatures Build on strengths of current networks Maximise digital networking and communication Enable and strengthen the feed into BPS national policy and voice Strengthen Nation branches and redefine English Regional Branches to reflect devolved policy and government Streamline structures as required by members and where appropriate Identify and support ‘culture change’ requirements to provide a 21st Century British Psychological Society
Networks – Starter for Ten definitions and categories Branches – Nation & geographical basis. Support to all members, students, careers advice, local knowledge and issues Professional Specialisms – specific psychological disciplines; clinical, forensic, etc route to accreditation, academic, research and guidance focus. Developing the specific discipline theory and practice Networks/Communities of Practice/Thematic groups – areas of practice/interest –e.g. children and young adults; workplace; physical health; education; based on sharing experience, learning and support in practice environment – cross cutting, inclusive, digital Research and Policy Development groups – determined by Senate, supported by BPS Policy Advisors; time limited; feeds into BPS Policy positions and voice; specific responses e.g. white papers etc.
BPS as a Professional Body/Learned Society - Remit and Role Clear statement of intent and role as professional body/learned society representing all branches of psychology Supporting research, evidence and development in psychological theory & practice Increased focus and engagement on national and regional policy and influencing outcomes and change Advocating strongly for the role and impact of psychologists and psychology on society Influencing the environments within which our members work Providing support and guidance for members on practice issues Working with HCPC on accreditation and standards Underpins all activities of the BPS
Society Review Proposals - Summary Not just about structures – it’s about changing how we engage, support, learn and innovate Strengthen Professional Body/Learned Society activities and profile Review BPS Member Services Hub (Leicester) – change and improve processes and systems. Engage and partner with members on needs More support from BPS Hub for networks to provide services, advice and support. Stronger nation branches to reflect different policy environment and structures. Revise English Regional branches to reflect local government/health boundaries. Maintain Professional Specialisms and support committees & members to review as required Make inclusive, and streamline current networks where appropriate and with member input. Seek opportunities to join up across the networks. Create thematic groups/Communities of Practice – based on need, more inclusive, less about committees, online where possible and maximise digital platforms
Communications – becoming digital! Build genuine two way communication & engagement, social media options Engage with members to find out what they want! Revise and review website to improve navigation and signposting Develop and use online communities, webinars, webchat etc to increase inclusion and ease of participation Develop online and other opportunities to engage with and drive BPS agenda Access to research, evidence and development Provide online board and committee papers and reduce printing Collated details of all local events & outputs clearly signposted on website Regional updates – local issues, achievements good practice etc Update from around the Branches on website N.B. Further development following consultant review and report on communications
BPS Senate Trustees BPS Member Services Hub(s) (Leicester) Members Partners, Other Societies & Stakeholders Education & Trg Board Research Board Practice Board Public Affairs Board Members Branches Professional Specialisms Thematic groups - ‘Communities of Practice’ BPS Member Services Hub(s) (Leicester) Senate Committees - Ethics, HR Finance Trustees