Section 2: Activation and Maintenance
Section Objectives This section prepares you to understand how bill pay is requested by the consumer, activated by the bill payment processor, and then maintained by the financial institution. Specifically, you will learn: the various ways consumers can request/opt-in to bill pay the process for how consumers are approved by the bill payment processor the daily tasks for the financial institution to ensure that bill pay eReg records are processed timely and accurately how to edit and/or close consumers' bill pay eReg records via Management Console how to disassociate and/or associate Internet Banking IDs and bill pay IDs the bill pay settings that the financial institution needs to set in Management Console prior to going live with bill pay
Bill Pay Activation
Separate Bill Pay Application? In April 2009, Intuit Financial Services released Internet Banking v4.10.2, which removed the need for consumers to fill out a separate bill pay application in order to have access to bill pay. However: Some consumers are still prompted to fill out a separate bill pay application if: the financial institution was live with bill pay prior to the IB 4.10.2 release in April 2009: Consumers that had IB but did not have bill pay at the time of the release are still prompted to fill out a separate bill pay application when they decide that they would like to start using bill pay. This is because Intuit Financial Services did not create a bill pay eReg record for these consumers when the consumer originally submitted the IB Combined Enrollment registration form (for ARS clients, this is because Intuit Financial Services had not yet implemented the PIC screen for your consumers). the financial institution is converting to Intuit Financial Services: Consumers that were using the financial institution’s old (non-Intuit) IB but did not have bill pay are prompted to fill out a separate bill pay application. This only happens if, during conversion, Intuit Financial Services did not receive enough information to proactively create bill pay eReg records for these consumers.
Bill Pay Setup/Activation Overview Step 1: Consumers opt-in to bill pay one of the two following ways: If the financial institution has Standard, Standard-Hybrid, FIAT, FIAT-Hybrid, HAT, or HAT-Hybrid Internet Banking Registration - The consumer fills out the IB Combined Enrollment registration form with an option to opt-in to bill pay at the bottom of the form. If the financial institution has ARS Internet Banking Registration or the consumer opted-out of bill pay in Step 1a – The consumer can opt-in to bill pay by: Accepting the Bill Pay Prompt that is presented to them upon logging in to Internet Banking (refer to the Resource page to learn how the financial institution can enable this prompt). Clicking the “Bill Pay” button in the main navigation of Internet Banking. Clicking a “Pay your bills” link next to any of their checking accounts in Internet Banking. Step 2: In order to send the bill pay eReg record to the bill payment processor, the system verifies that the consumer has a valid checking account to use for bill pay. Step 3: (Manual Approval Only): The financial institution reviews and approves the bill pay eReg record in the Management Console > Bill Pay Application Management. Step 4: The eReg record is sent to the bill payment processor for approval. If approved, the consumer is presented with the landing screen and receives an approval email. If denied, the consumer is presented with either a “In Process” screen (FIS) or a “Bill Payment Declined” screen (Fiserv). 5
Step 1a: Opting In to Bill Pay If the financial institution has Standard, Standard-Hybrid, FIAT, FIAT-Hybrid, HAT, or HAT-Hybrid Internet Banking Registration - The consumer fills out the IB Combined Enrollment registration form and opts in to bill pay. An Internet Banking (IB) record as well as a Bill Pay (BP) eReg record are created for the consumer in Management Console. Both records are processed and maintained separately. Tip: Please refer to your Internet Banking Registration materials for how the Internet Banking Registration process works for the financial institution. The bottom of the application allows the consumer to opt in or out of bill pay. Text is customizable by the financial institution. 6
Step 1a: Create eReg Record If the financial institution has ARS Internet Banking Registration – this is the first screen seen by new consumers upon their first login to Internet Banking. The consumer selects a funding account (if necessary), accepts the bill pay disclosure, and clicks Continue. This creates an eReg record behind the scenes for the consumer so that when he/she chooses to enroll in bill pay (see next page), there is no need to fill out a bill pay application. Note: The form is pre-filled with as much information as the host can provide. If any required information is missing or needs changing, the consumer can edit/add information and then submit the form.
Step 1b: Opting In to Bill Pay If the financial institution has ARS Internet Banking Registration or the consumer opted-out of bill pay in Step 1a – The consumer can opt-in to bill pay by: Accepting the Bill Pay Prompt that is presented to them upon logging in to Internet Banking (refer to the Resource page to learn how the financial institution can enable this prompt). Clicking the “Bill Pay” button in the main navigation of Internet Banking. Clicking a “Pay your bills” link next to any of their checking accounts in Internet Banking. screenshot of “Bill Pay” button and “Pay your bills” link in IB 8
Step 2: Funding Account Verification After the consumer opts in to bill pay, the system verifies that the consumer has a valid checking account to use for bill pay. It then sends the BP eReg record to the bill payment processor. The verification screens differ depending on the number of funding accounts the consumer has. The screens display to the consumer either upon their first login to IB (if they opted in to bill pay via the IB Combined Enrollment registration form) or immediately after accepting the Bill Pay Prompt or clicking the “Bill Pay” button or “Pay your bills” link inside of IB. If the consumer only has one checking account, the consumer is prompted to confirm the checking account. Note: This screen is skipped if the consumer had previously accepted the Terms & Conditions on the IB Combined Enrollment form. 9
Step 2: Funding Account Verification (cont’d) If the consumer has more than one checking account: The consumer selects their funding account(s) on this Account Selection screen. The BP eReg record is sent to the bill payment processor for approval. Notes: The “Additional Accounts” fields display on screen upon the consumer checking the “I want to pay bills from more than one account” checkbox. The “Account Nickname” fields display and are required for FIS financial institutions. However, it is up to Fiserv financial institutions whether or not they would like to display and/or require the nickname fields. The Bill Payment Terms and Conditions checkbox and hyperlink appear if the consumer has not previously accepted the Terms and Conditions. The “I’ll do this later” button allows the consumer to skip the “Select Funding Account” screen and continue on to their Account Access screen. The consumer is re-presented with the “Select Funding Account” screen upon clicking the Bill Payment button in the navigation and the “I’ll do this later” button is replaced with a “Cancel” button. The financial institution’s navigation does not appear on these screens if this is the consumer’s initial login to IB.
Step 2: Funding Account Verification (cont’d) If the consumer does not have any checking accounts, the consumer sees a screen stating they do not have a valid funding account. Note: Because the financial institution’s navigation does not display on this screen upon initial login, a “Continue” button allows the consumer to access their Internet Banking session. Note: If your host does not return an account list, the financial institution’s consumers are presented a screen that allows the consumer to manually input a primary account (and additional accounts if applicable). Check with your Project Manager to see if your host does not return account lists to Intuit Financial Services.
Which Approval Option do you Use? Financial institutions use one type of bill pay approval option for registration: Auto or Manual Approval. NOTE: If you are not aware of your financial institution’s approval type, please contact your Project Manager at Intuit Financial Services. Notes: Auto Approval starts on the next page. Manual Approval starts on the page after that.
Note: Skip ahead in the PowerPoint to Step 4. Step 3: Auto Approval After the consumer verifies/selects their funding accounts, their eReg record is sent to the Bill Pay Vendor for immediate processing. No action is required by the financial institution. Note: Skip ahead in the PowerPoint to Step 4.
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – Customer Experience If the financial institution has opted to manually approve and/or decline each consumer’s BP eReg record: (skip to Step 4 if you are using Auto Approval) After the consumer verifies/selects their funding accounts, they are presented with a “Processing Bill Payment” screen and must wait to for the financial institution to approve/decline them for bill pay. Note: If the consumer clicks on the Bill Pay icon before their BP eReg record is approved by the financial institution, they are presented with the “Processing Bill Payment” screen.
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – FI Experience Financial institution administrators can approve/decline a consumer’s BP eReg record in Admin Platform under Management Console > Billpay Application Management. Note: To access Management Console, first login to Admin Platform and hover over the Management Console tab. The navigation menu will vary depending on your permissions. Please contact your FI Super User about your permissions.
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – Filter Options Filter Options: Quick Search – Search for a particular BP eReg record or group of BP eReg records based on first name, last name, User ID, SSN or BP User ID. Current View - View BP eReg records based on the BP eReg records’ status. Date Range – Enter in any format desired. Add Application button - If the financial institution uses this tool to add an application on behalf of the consumer, the consumer does not see the online disclosure. Tip: Have the consumer opt-in on the front end. “IB or CM”— Indicates which system the consumer requested the bill pay feature from: Internet Banking (IB) or Business Banking (CM). Note: “CM” does not apply to Fiserv financial institutions as the requests for the BB bill pay product are not managed via Management Console. 16
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – View/Edit Application Click on the hyperlinked name to view and/or edit an application. 17
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – Actions After reviewing each application, the financial institution administrator has the following options: Approve – All applications are automatically checked for approval. Upon clicking the Submit Page button, these applications are sent to the bill payment processor for approval. Decline – Checking the Decline box does not send the application to the bill payment processor upon clicking the Submit Page button. Postpone – Removing any check marks from the Approve or Decline columns leaves the application in the “Needs Approval” status upon clicking the Submit Page button. (Not applicable for applications in an “Exception” status.) 18
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – Processing After clicking the Submit Page button, a pop-up alert displays to confirm the action. After clicking ‘OK’, a processing message displays advising that the bill payment processor is processing the request. The bill payment processor sends back the following response advising you of the number of applications processed. 19
Step 3: eReg Record Manual Approval – Consumer Emails Financial institution Approves BP eReg record (email): An email is sent to the consumer when the financial institution administrator “Approves” the BP eReg record in the Management Console. The “From” email address is configurable by the financial institution. Congratulations! You are approved for [the financial institution’s name for bill pay]! Please log in to [the financial institution’s name for online banking] to start using [the financial institution’s name for bill pay]. If you have any questions, please contact us at [the financial institution’s contact information]. Financial institution Denies BP eReg record (email): An email is sent to the consumer when the financial institution administrator “Denies” the BP eReg record in the Management Console. The “From” email address is configurable by the financial institution. Thank you for applying for the Bill Payment service. At this time we cannot process your application. Please call your financial institution for further details. Financial institution Denies BP eReg record (screen): If the consumer clicks on the “Bill Payment” button in Internet Banking and the financial institution denied the consumer’s BP eReg record, the consumer is presented with a “Bill Payment Permission Declined” screen. 20
BP eReg Record Sent to BPV (FIS) Step 4: Auto & Manual: BP eReg Record Sent to BPV (FIS) FIS Approval: If FIS approves the consumer for bill pay, the consumer is sent an approval email and presented with FIS' landing page. Note: This email is NOT customizable. Greetings from <financial institution name>! You have been approved and may begin using this service immediately. To begin using this service, all you need to do is set up your payees. A payee is any individual or business in the U.S. who you want to pay. After logging in, click the link to add a payee, and follow the onscreen instructions. You can specify the funding account and payment rules for each payee. Helpful Hint: To make this process quick and easy, have an old bill handy or the payee's full name, address, and account number, as well as your checkbook. You may also choose to take advantage of our bill presentment feature and begin receiving your bill online when adding a new payee. To view your account, go to <financial institution URL>. If you have any questions, please contact us at <financial institution email> or call us at <financial institution phone Number>. Sincerely, <financial institution name> FIS Denial: If FIS denies the consumer for bill pay, no email is sent. However, if the consumer clicks on the “Bill Payment” button in Internet Banking, the consumer is presented with a “Processing Bill Payment” screen. 21
BP eReg Record Sent to BPV (Fiserv) Step 4: Auto & Manual: BP eReg Record Sent to BPV (Fiserv) Fiserv Approval: If Fiserv approves the consumer for bill pay, the consumer is sent an approval email and presented with Fiserv’s landing page. Note: This email is NOT customizable. This email is NOT customizable. Subject: Bill Payment Enabled [at financial institution] Dear [consumer], Per your request, Bill Payment has been enabled. You can now log into your Bill Payment account by simply clicking on the "Bill Payment" icon to access this service. Please do not respond to this e-mail address, as it is not set up to properly route your questions. Congratulations and welcome to online bill payment! Fiserv Declined: If Fiserv denies the consumer for bill pay, no email is sent. However, if the consumer clicks on the “Bill Payment” button in Internet Banking, the consumer is presented with a “Bill Payment Permission Declined” screen. 22
Bill Pay eReg Record Statuses
BP eReg Record – Statuses Application Management User Profile Maintenance Needs Approval (Manual Approval) = BP eReg records that need approval by the financial institution X RT In Process = BP eReg record was not processed in a timely manner by the BPV. The financial institution needs to re-submit these BP eReg records. Consumers in this status see the aforementioned “Processing Bill Payment” screen upon attempting to access bill pay. BPV Approved = the consumer’s BP eReg record was approved and the consumer can log into bill pay(any edits must be made in User Profile Maintenance). FI Declined (Manual Approval) = the financial institution chose to deny bill pay access to the consumer. BPV Declined = the BPV declined the consumer’s BP eReg record in the rare case that the consumer had a bill pay account at another financial institution and has high NSF activity or NSFs outstanding. X – Fiserv ONLY Exception = the BPV needs further information to process the BP eReg record. Call Intuit Financial Services’ Service and Support for help. NOTE: FIS uses this status upon declining a BP eReg record. EU_Modify = Displays BP eReg records for those consumers who attempted to update their email address, postal address, or phone number within IB. These BP eReg records were sent to the BPV but did not receive a response. The financial Institution can re-submit the eReg record to the BPV. Pending ACH Entry (Combined Enrollment) = the IB application is approved and the consumer still needs to choose their account to debit. Once the account is selected (OR the consumer logs in if there is only one eligible checking account), the status changes to Needs Approval (Manual Approval) or BPV Approved or BPV Declined (Auto Approval). BPV Closed = the financial institution has closed the account in the Management Console or the BP ID is disassociated from the IB User ID. FI Closed = This status is no longer used due to Intuit Financial Services’ real-time interface with the BPV. When the financial institution closes an account via Management Console, the BPV is automatically notified and the status is BPV Closed Foreign Address (Manual Approval) = Notifies the financial institution if a consumer’s foreign address has been replaced by the FI’s address (set on the Registration and Maintenance Defaults screen). X - Fiserv ONLY TIP: Run a daily report to see if consumers are in the following statuses: RT In Process, Exception and Pending ACH Entry. 24
Viewing Original Bill Pay eReg Records
Billpay Application Management Use Billpay Application Management to: View the original version of any BP eReg record Check for any BP eReg records in the following status: RT In Process Exception Pending ACH Entry (Combined Enrollment Only) Needs Approval (Manual Approval Only)
Billpay Application Management (cont’d) Filter Options: Quick Search – Search for a particular BP eReg record or group of BP eReg records based on first name, last name, User ID, SSN or BP User ID. Current View - View BP eReg records based on their status. Default view is “All” with a default date range of the current week. Date Range – Enter in any format desired. Add Application: If the financial institution uses this tool to add an application on behalf of the consumer, the consumer does not see the online disclosure. Tip: Have the consumer opt-in on the front end. 27
Billpay Application Management (cont’d) The results can be sorted by User ID (Internet Banking ID), consumer Name, Registration Date/Time or BP eReg record Status. Click on the hyperlinked name to view and/or edit a consumer’s BP eReg record. Note: After saving the changes to the BP eReg record, don’t forget to check the Approve box and click the Submit Page button to send the BP eReg record to the bill payment processor. “IB or CM” column — Indicates which system the consumer requested the bill pay feature from: Internet Banking (IB) or Business Banking (CM). Note: “CM” does not apply to Fiserv financial institutions or to FIS Small Business Bill Pay financial institutions, as the requests for those products are not managed via Management Console. Note: If you need to edit the BP eReg record and the fields are not editable on the Bill Pay Application Management Details screen via Billpay Application Management, go to Billpay User Profile Maintenance (See next section). 28
Editing/Closing Bill Pay eReg Records
Billpay User Profile Maintenance Use Billpay User Profile Maintenance to: Edit consumer profile information such as name, address, email, etc (edits automatically update FIS' CST or Fiserv’s PartnerCare system overnight) Close bill pay for a consumer Check for any BP eReg records in the following status: EU_Modify – Host dependent BPV Declined (Fiserv only)
Billpay User Profile Maintenance (cont’d) Filter Options: Quick Search – Search for a particular BP eReg record or group of BP eReg records based on first name, last name, User ID, SSN or BP User ID. Current View - View BP eReg records based on the BP eReg records’ status. Default view is “All” with a default date range of the current week. Date Range –Enter in any format desired. 31
Billpay User Profile Maintenance (cont’d) Click on the hyperlinked name to view and/or edit a consumer’s BP eReg record. Note: You must go to FIS' CST or Fiserv’s PartnerCare to make changes to the consumer’s funding account(s) that are tied to bill pay. 32
Billpay User Profile Maintenance (cont’d) Step 1: After clicking the Save Changes button, a pop-up alert displays to confirm the action. Step 2: After clicking ‘OK’, a processing message displays. It advises that the bill payment processor is processing the request. Step 3: The bill payment processor sends back the following response advising you of the status of your request .
Billpay User Profile Maintenance (cont’d) Closing Bill Pay: Immediately prevents the consumer from accessing the bill pay service. All pending payments and transaction history associated with the bill pay account are deleted. The consumer can reapply immediately once the BP eReg is closed. Do NOT close any accounts using FIS' CST or Fiserv’s PartnerCare system. If you close an account using FIS' CST or Fiserv‘s PartnerCare system, you must disassociate the old Bill Pay ID from their user ID (see section on Maintain BP ID). If you do not, that consumer is not able to reapply for bill pay in the future at the financial institution. What to tell the consumer when you close their account: The consumer should delete all pending payments before you close their account. ( Note: You can view pending payments through FIS' CST or Fiserv’s PartnerCare system to make sure they are all deleted. When an account is closed, pending payments are automatically deleted – this step helps remind consumers what they have pending.) If the financial institution is charging for bill pay, tell the consumer that they are still billed for the entire month.
Billpay User Profile Maintenance (cont’d) Step 1: After clicking the Close Bill Pay Account button, a pop-up alert displays to confirm the action. Step 2: After clicking ‘OK’, a processing message displays advising that the bill payment processor is processing the request. Step 3: The bill payment processor sends back the following response advising you of the status of your request.
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Associating/Disassociating Internet Banking & Bill Pay IDs
Billpay Maintain ID Use Billpay Maintain ID if the financial institution: accidentally closed a consumer’s bill pay in CST or PartnerCare (as opposed to Management Console > Billpay User Profile Maintenance). The financial institution can disassociate the IB ID from the BP ID. This updates the consumer’s BP eReg status to “BPV Closed” (otherwise, the status remains in the “BPV Approved” status). is a credit union and a consumer number changes for a consumer who currently uses bill pay (due to fraud, lost/stolen, etc). The financial institution can disassociate the current BP ID with the old consumer number and associate the new consumer number with the current BP ID. is a conversion client and needs to close a consumer’s bill pay but can not locate the consumer’s BP eReg record in Management Console > Billpay User Profile Maintenance. The financial institution can disassociate the IB ID from the BP ID, which changes the consumer’s BP eReg status to “BPV Closed” (otherwise, the status remains in the “BPV Approved” status). (Note: The financial institution must also close the consumer’s bill pay in CST or PartnerCare. The disassociate tool only updates the BP eReg status and does not close bill pay at the vendor level.)
Disassociate a BP ID Disassociating a Bill Pay ID Places the BP eReg record in a BPV_CLOSED status To disassociate a bill pay account from an Internet Banking account: Choose IB for Internet Banking or CM for Business Banking. Note: Fiserv financial institutions should not select CM as you cannot disassociate for Web Pay for Small Business. FIS Small Business Bill Pay financial institutions should not select CM as you cannot disassociate for FIS Small Business Bill Pay. Enter the Internet Banking User ID. Select Disassociate. Leave the remaining fields blank. Click the Submit button. Note: The disassociating tool was designed to help financial institutions clean up the Management Console if the financial institution (accidentally) closing bill pay in CST or PartnerCare (as opposed to Management Console > Billpay User Profile Maintenance). Disassociating a BP ID only updates the BP eReg status to “BPV Closed” (otherwise, the status remains in the “BPV Approved” status). It does not close the bill pay account at the vendor.
Associate a BP ID Associating a Bill Pay ID Allows access from Internet Banking into the Bill Pay account Places the BP eReg record in a BPV_APPROVED status Populates the BP eReg record with the Bill Pay ID To associate a bill pay account to an Internet Banking account complete the following steps: Choose IB for Internet Banking or CM for Business Banking. Reminder: Fiserv and FIS Small Business Bill Pay financial institutions should not select CM. Select Associate. For Internet Banking association, enter the user ID (not the Alternate ID) in the User ID field. For Business Banking association, enter the Company ID (in all caps) in the User ID field. In the Bill Pay ID field, enter the Bill Pay ID as shown in CST or the External ID as shown in PartnerCare. TIP: The consumer’s Bill Pay ID is also found in Management Console > IB User Data Display. Leave the Bill Pay Password field blank. For the SponsCons ID enter the Customer Login ID as shown in CST or the Subscriber ID as shown in PartnerCare (see Section 6). Click the Submit button.
Billpay Maintain ID (cont’d) To verify that the association was successful, go to Management Console > IB User Data Display. The Bill Payment ID is populated with the new information.
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Other Bill Pay Default Settings
Billpay Reg and Maint Settings Use Billpay Reg and Maint Settings to: Set the financial institution’s default billing plan Maintain the email addresses at the financial institution that receive notifications when consumers opt to start using bill pay (Manual Approval Only) Set the financial institution’s address to receive mail on behalf of consumers with foreign addresses (Fiserv Only)
Billpay Reg and Maint Settings (cont’d) Default Billing Plan If the financial institution is not allowing consumers to choose a bill plan on the Combined Enrollment application, select the default Billing Plan here. All new consumers are put on this billing plan automatically. If a consumer needs a different bill plan, the financial institution can change that consumer’s bill plan on the Billpay User Profile Maintenance screen after the bill payment processor approves the BP eReg record. Note: If Auto Approval is enabled, a default billing plan is required because the bill payment processor needs all BP eReg records on the same billing plan for approval. Email Notifications – (Manual Approval Only) If the financial institution would like to receive an email notification when a consumer opts to start using bill pay, enter the email address here (up to 5). Foreign Address Substitute – (Fiserv Only) This is the address where all foreign address mail is sent from Fiserv. It is the financial institution’s responsibility to forward the mail to their international consumers. Note: A financial institution must establish a foreign address substitute if Auto Approval is enabled.
BP eReg Records - Practical Applications Combined Enrollment: A consumer (that originally declined bill pay on the Combined Enrollment form upon registering for Internet Banking) opts to start using bill pay a year later and notices that their address in the system is incorrect. What do you do? ARS: A consumer (that initially signed into Internet Banking for the first time last year) opts to start using bill pay today and notices that their address in the system is incorrect. What do you do? What is the purpose of checking the status of Pending ACH Entry? You go to Management Console and notice that a consumer’s BP eReg record is in an “Exception” status. What do you do? A consumer calls to say they never got an email telling them that they can now use bill pay. How would you troubleshoot this scenario? Combined Enrollment with Manual Approval: Why would the financial institution get an email notification today for a consumer that opted to start using bill pay 2 weeks ago? Explain how to close a BP eReg record for a consumer. 46
Section Objectives - RECAP In this section, you learned: the various ways consumers can request/opt-in to bill pay the process for how consumers are approved by the bill pay processor the daily tasks for the financial institution to ensure that bill pay eReg records are processed timely and accurately how to edit and/or close consumers' bill pay eReg records via Management Console how to disassociate and/or associate Internet Banking IDs and bill pay IDs the bill pay settings that the financial institution needs to set in Management Console prior to going live with bill pay