Week 6: How to Make Disciples (part two)
Shoots Banana Tree
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.” – Galatians 5:22-23
Jesus’ mission to make disciples of all people groups depended on a few who would take His message of redemption and share it through spiritual multiplication
How can we best communicate Jesus and His message to our culture?
Let us faithfully embrace Jesus’ strategy of multiplication which God will bless every time. Let us not ask God to bless our plans but ask Him to help us fulfill His plans.
The glory of God’s Kingdom is the foundation of Jesus’ mission to make disciples and His method of multiplication.
We make disciples locally infused with the global purposes of God.
Just as Jesus verbally shared words to specific people, who are you specifically sharing with?
May God help us to be a people who share Jesus that flows from a love relationship with Him. May we not be a people who has reasons why Jesus does not come out of our mouths.
God will give you people
Who has God given to you that He wants you to multiply the life of Jesus in?
God will give you the words to share