Employee Performance Management
Dr. Deming’s View A measurement of: Training Communication Tools And skill of supervisors Not necessarily an employees motivation
Effective Programs Integrate Goal setting Appraisal Development A tool to focus an employee’s gifts on keeping an organization competitive Continuous Improvement Understand where you are Set higher and higher goals
Goal Setting Specific Measurable Control of outcome Challenging but doable
Process Clear job description Understandable appraisal collection and reporting system Measures what is critical Measures in a legitimate way Feedback
Tools Graphic system Alternation (pick who you know and then rank against peer group Pair against each member of peer group one at a time Forced distribution model 15% high 15% low
Behavioral Anchored Scales Critical incidents Observed Behaviors Advantages Accurate Clear Feedback Independent Dimensions (Maybe high in one are weak in another) Consistency
Management by Objectives Set organizational goals Set Department goals Set individual goals (joint activity, provide appropriate resources) Conduct evaluation Provide feedback Downside Time Establishing clear goals Continual negotiation between employee wanting easy goals and management higher goals
Macro Issues Halo/Horn Effect Unclear standards Central Tendency Strictness/leniency Bias
Who Should Evaluate Immediate supervisor Peers Self Subordinates Combination (360)
Create an Evaluation Scorecard CBA Professor MBO 2 Metrics Behavioral