Middle East PowerPoint (your name) Must Do Optional for Extra Credit
Map w/relative location (Picture and information)
Physical geography (Picture and information)
Cultural Geography (Picture and information)
Turkey and why it’s important (Pictures and Information)
History of region (Pictures and Information)
History of region (Pictures and Information)
Dead Sea and info (Picture and importance)
Climate of Region (Pictures and Information)
Pick a country of the Middle East (picture and info) (Cannot be Turkey)
Pick a country of the Middle East (picture and info) (Cannot be Turkey)
Pick a country of the Middle East (picture and info) (Cannot be Turkey)
Pick a country of the Middle East (picture and info)
Drip Irrigation (Pictures and Information)
Desalination/Desalination Plant (Picture and importance)
OPEC (Pictures and Information)
Fertile Crescent (picture and info)
Christianity in the region (Picture and importance)
Judaism in the region (Picture and importance)
Islam in the region (Picture and importance)
Desert Ecosystem in Middle East(Pictures and Information)
Jerusalem (Picture and importance)
Natural Resources in the Middle East(Pictures and Information)
The Five Pillars of Islam and explanation. (Pictures and Information)
Explain how the distribution of oil has affected the development of Southwest Asia (Middle East).
Describe how the deserts and rivers of Southwest Asia (Middle East) have affected the population in terms of where people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel