15 £1 Million 14 £500, 000 13 £250,000 12 125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The ability to make sense of a new situation is called... £100 The ability to make sense of a new situation is called... 50:50 A: Equilibration B: Schema Accommodation C: Accommodation D: Assimilation
Unlucky! That’s incorrect
£200 What is the thread like structure composed of DNA and protein and is found in the nucleus of cells called? 50:50 A: Chromosome B: Phenotype C: Genotype D: Genes
Sorry That’s incorrect…
Sensitive responsiveness does NOT mean... £300 Sensitive responsiveness does NOT mean... 50:50 Using skills of social perception to respond to the child's needs A: Paying attention to infants B: C: Giving inconsistent care D: Creating trust and security
Oh dear! That’s incorrect…
£500 50:50 Which researcher measured the testosterone levels in the salvia of 692 male prisoners and showed a link between the levels of testosterone and violence 50:50 A: Dabbs et al (1995) B: Berko (1958) C: Baumrind (1967, 1971) D: Triseliotis (1980)
Sorry That’s incorrect…
language) which maturational feature is present? £1,000 If development happens in a succession of stages (i.e. motor milestones and language) which maturational feature is present? 50:50 A: Universality B: Critical Period C: Unchanging D: Invariant Sequence
Well done!
You should have thought of your experiments! Unlucky! You should have thought of your experiments!
Which method is NOT used by Bower & Wishart? £2,000 Bower & Wishart (1972) carried out an alternative test of object permanence. Which method is NOT used by Bower & Wishart? 50:50 Hiding the toy under a blanket A: Turned off the light B: Used infants aged between 1 – 4mths C: Used a camera D:
Oh no! That’s incorrect!…
£4,000 During which period of cognitive development, do children begin to use symbols such as words and images or animism? 50:50 A: Concrete Operations B: Intuitive D: Preconceptual C: Sensorimotor D: Preconceptual
Very good!
Incorrect So near and yet so far!
In Hughes study of egocentrism, what percentage of £8,000 In Hughes study of egocentrism, what percentage of children aged between 3½ - 5yrs were able to decentre? 50:50 A: 60% B: 70% C: 90% 80% C: 90% D:
Very good!
Sorry! That’s incorrect…
£16,000 The process of genetically determined development stored in a persons genotype, which gives instructions about the sequence and timing of development is called...? 50:50 A: Universality B: Ethological D: Maturation C: Unchanging D: Maturation
Very good!
Unlucky That’s incorrect…
£32,000 50:50 According to Schaffer and Emerson (1964) attachments are most noticeable in infants at what age? 50:50 Digestion A: 0 – 2yrs B: 9mths – 3yrs B:9mths- 3yrs C: Digestion 2mths – 3yrs D: 3mths – 4yrs
Unfortunately… That’s incorrect!
£64,000 Which study concluded that children can conserve earlier than Piaget claimed and that the methodology of his test was flawed? 50:50 Bower & Wishart (1972) C: McGarrigle & Donaldson A: Langlois & Downs (1980) B: McGarrigle & Donaldson (1974) C: D: Tizard & Tizard (1971)
Well done!
I’m sorry That’s incorrect…
Which of these is NOT a negative feature of the Learning £125,000 Which of these is NOT a negative feature of the Learning Theory? 50:50 Little empirical evidence that rewarding behaviour shapes future behaviour A: B: Ignores genetic & biological influences Ignores cognition as an incomplete account of human learning Focuses on a narrow range of environmental influences C: D:
Very good!
You should have got that one! Incorrect You should have got that one!
£250,000 50:50 Which of these is an incorrect evaluation of Piaget’s Cognitive Development? 50:50 Used a small sample drawn from a narrow population D: used a wide population to draw a large sample A: Little evidence of distinct stages B: Design & procedure resulted in underestimates of cognitive ability Used a wide population to draw a large sample C: D:
Wrong Choice! That’s incorrect…
£500,000 Kagan et al (1980) compared the effects of children who spent 7hrs in day care with children reared entirely at home. Which one is NOT one of the 3 variables Kagan used 50:50 Cognitive/ intellectual development Attachment to mother A: B: C: Cultural variations D: Social Development
Very Good!
Sorry! That’s incorrect…
Giving arguments for and against £ 1,000,000 In exam terminology, ‘discuss’ does not mean ... 50:50 Giving the meaning of Giving arguments for and against A: B: Giving a short summary Giving a conclusion supported with appropriate evidence C: D:
You were nearly a millionaire! Unlucky You were nearly a millionaire!
Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!