Unit Two Vocabulary Week Eight
cadaverous (adjective) corpse-like Barnabas has a cadaverous complexion. .
consign (verb) relegate or send The King threatened to consign his enemies to the dungeon.
Elocution (noun) public speaking Martin Luther King had the gift of elocution.
incorrigible (adjective) persistently bad Incorrigible people frequently find themselves in trouble.
maim (verb) injure/harm severely Landmines can severely maim soldiers.
profuse (adjective) excessive Bunnies love profuse carrots.
promulgate (verb) promote or spread information
strident (adjective) shrill loud/harsh The woman’s strident voice, made Simon plug his ears.
subversion (noun) the act of undermining a government The spy was guilty of subversion.
virulent (adjective) deadly Ebola is a virulent disease.