Keeping Track of Your Money How to use your checkbook.
Choosing a Bank Location, Location, Location! –Choose a bank that is close to your home for easy access. Fees! –Check for minimum balance and checking account fees. Availability of Funds! –When will your money be available for you to withdrawal.
Writing a Check It is very important to be able to fill in your checks. Make sure you understand what all the blanks and numbers on your checks mean. John Craft Spring St. Big Town, NC ______________20____ Pay to the order of __________________________________ $______ _________________________________________________ dollars Big Town Bank Big Town, North Carolina Memo__________________ _____________________________ l: l: ll 453
The Top of your Check In the top left hand corner is your name, address, city, state, and zip code. In the top right hand corner is your check number. Under the check number is a blank line for you to fill in the date that you are writing the check. John Craft Spring St. Big Town, NC ______________20____ Pay to the order of __________________________________ $______ _________________________________________________ dollars Big Town Bank Big Town, North Carolina Memo__________________ _____________________________ l: l: ll 453
The Middle of your Check The Pay to the order line is for you to write in a companies name or a persons name. $______ is where you write in the amount of the money in numbers. On the blank line in the middle of the check is where you write out the amount of money in words. The bank name and the location of your bank is located under the blank line. John Craft Spring St. Big Town, NC ______________20____ Pay to the order of __________________________________ $______ _________________________________________________ dollars Big Town Bank Big Town, North Carolina Memo__________________ _____________________________ l: l: ll 453
The Bottom of your Check The Memo line at the bottom left hand corner is for you to write what you are using your check for. Groceries is an example of what you can write. The blank line on the bottom right hand side is where you sign your name. The numbers on the bottom left hand corner are the routing numbers for you bank. Followed by your account number and then your check number. John Craft Spring St. Big Town, NC ______________20____ Pay to the order of __________________________________ $______ _________________________________________________ dollars Big Town Bank Big Town, North Carolina Memo__________________ _____________________________ l: l: ll 453
Using Your ATM Card You can use you debit/ATM card anywhere credit cards are accepted. Your card is NOT a credit card. When you make a purchase the money comes out of your checking account. You can use your card to get cash from an ATM. Remember to deduct your debit/ATM card purchases from your checkbook register.
Using your Checkbook Register Your checkbook register is a simple way to keep up with your account. Keeping it up-to-date on a daily basis will make it an easy task. Check No. DateTransaction Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance
Filling in your Check Register In the first column you enter the check number if you have written a check. If you have used your Debit card you can enter EBT for purchases or you can enter ATM for cash withdrawals. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance 345 EBT ATM
Date Column In the date column, you will enter the date you wrote a check or the date you made a purchase on. When you use your debit card the date on your statement may not match. This is OK! Your statement is showing the date the bank received the information. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance 3457/23 EBT7-25 ATM7-29
Transaction Column In the transaction/ description column you will enter the name of the person or company you wrote the check to. You can also write down Cash to record that you made a withdrawal using your debit card. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance 3457/23Stephanie Dunn EBT7-25Wal-mart ATM7-29Cash
Payment/Debit Column In the Payment/ Debit column you will enter the amount you wrote the check for. You also write down the amount for a purchase you made with your debit card. Any cash you withdrew from an ATM is also recorded here. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance 3457/23Stephanie Dunn EBT7-25Wal-mart54.67 ATM7-29Cash20.00
Deposit/Credit Column In the deposit/credit column you will write down any money you have added to your account or credits you have received as a result of a return. You can put a D in the check number column to represent that you made a deposit or received a credit. You need to write deposit or credit in the transaction column. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance 3457/23Stephanie Dunn EBT7-25Wal-mart54.67 ATM7-29Cash20.00 D7-30Deposit197.34
Balance Column The balance column is where you keep a running total of how much money you have. Make sure your math is accurate when completing this task. Bring your credits and debits straight over into your into the balance column. Subtract for you debits and Add for your credits. Make sure you write your new balance under each credit or debit. Check No. DateTransaction/ Description Payment/ Debit Deposit/ Credit Balance /23Stephanie Dunn EBT7-25Wal-mart ATM7-29Cash D7-30Deposit
Conclusion Know that you know the basics here are few rules to follow by. Dont let anyone else use your checkbook or debit card! Dont give out checks that you have signed, but did not fill in! Do Not give anyone your PIN number! If you suspect something has happened to your checkbook or debit card, contact you bank IMMEDIATELY!