Innovation and Research Systems Ken Ducatel & Elissaveta Gourova, JRC/ IPTS Knowledge Economy Forum: Using Knowledge for Development in EU Accession Countries Paris, 19-22 February 2002
Knowledge Infrastructures - current status? Key questions Knowledge Infrastructures - current status? Reasonable targets for development? What pathways are open to meet targets?
Knowledge capacities : High potential An optimistic message is often painted about the high innovation performance of PACs - tech creation (patents etc - take-up of new technologies (internet penetration - penetration of traditional tech (telephone, tv - human skills (qualifications This UN Human Development Rerport data indicate that some PACs are ‘Potential Leaders’in a Tech Achiev. Index (see Fin .74, Uk .61, Fr .52 Sp .48 Cz/H/Slo/Slo ~ .45, ahead of Greece/Por and then B/Po/Cy/Ro ~4.0). I will express some doubts about some of these indicators in the next section, but there are clearly grounds for optimism. The main problems seem to be that the innovation system is so fragmented.
Knowledge Infrastructures - current status? Three phase model Dissolution and fragmentation of S&T systems Restructuring, consolidation & re-emergence New innovation system - integration and networking Industrial research & technology transfer ... University research New intermediaries
Knowledge capacities : decline (& recovery?) Decline in applied research From ‘brain loss’ to ‘brain gain’ There is much concern about brain drain. Probably though the major problem is brain waste - I.e. the underemployment of highly qualified people and the lack of attraction of young people into sci careers. During the early years of transition there was a large outflow of people from the S&T sector - mainly the applied research/ branch research institutions relating to the industrial decline/ restructuring Priority now is to create more stability and attractiveness especially for younger people entering science as a career. The question here is how to use mobility constructively… The recent communication on mobility suggests a number of reasons why mobility is posisitve… (see list) Perhaps structured mobility programmes (I.e. tactical brain drain) could help by creating a pool of talent in waiting as - people usually want to return home
Knowledge Infrastructures - current status? Three phase model Dissolution and fragmentation of S&T systems Restructuring, consolidation & re-emergence New innovation system - integration and networking Industrial research & technology transfer alliances, integration and reverse engineering University research building on educational demands New intermediaries incubators & innovation support
Reasonable targets for development? Fundamental research Mapping and exploiting strengths …. Industrial research ... Problem-focused research
S&T Strategies 1: excellence or relevance?
Reasonable targets for development? Fundamental research Mapping and exploiting strengths Providing sufficient targeted funding Industrial research ... Problem-focused research
S&T Strategies 2: Are resources sufficient? EU Average Source: Eurostat, National sources for Turkey
Reasonable targets for development? Fundamental research Mapping and exploiting strengths Providing sufficient targeted funding Industrial research Renewal and responding to privatisation of public enterprises Problem-focused research Prioritising for specific societal needs and economic specialisation
What pathways are open to meet targets? Open and transparent priority setting Effective & open management of S&T system Achieve good practice on specification and implementation technical standards balance supply & demand-side interests setting agendas New structures and actors in the knowledge infrastructure ….
Foresight = open processes? Processes are often opaque but we see some Consensus building approaches (e.g. foresight) starting to emerge in countries such as H, Po, Cz, Ma, Cy
What pathways are open to meet targets? Open and transparent priority setting Effective & open management of S&T system Achieve good practice on specification and implementation technical standards balance supply & demand-side interests setting agendas New structures and actors in the knowledge infrastructure Overcoming fragmentation of decision making on S&T Networking of multidisciplinary teams (inc. internationally) Centres of excellence in applied research with industrial linkages Build on strong university-based research growth
Emergent models University-based labs & technology centres: support for applied/ industrial research. Centres of excellence outside of universities: with close links to industrialists. International and regional networking: to stay abreast of research developments & to acquire expertise.