Subject Pronouns
What are Subject Pronouns? Subject pronouns are the words that define the subject of a sentence. Such as: I You He She It We They You-all
Here is the full list of subject pronouns: English to Spanish Here is the full list of subject pronouns: I you (familiar) he she you (formal)/ it yo tú él ella usted we they(masculine) they(feminine) you-all nosotros ellos ellas ustedes
The Subject Pronoun Chart Singular Plural Vosotros is only used in Spain. Know that it exists, but use ustedes instead. yo nosotros tú vosotros él ella usted ellos ellas ustedes
Subject pronouns used in sentences Singular Subject pronouns used in sentences I speak Spanish. He speaks Spanish. Yo hablo español. Él habla español. You speak Spanish. She speaks Spanish. Tú hablas español. Ella habla español. (formal) You speak Spanish. It speaks Spanish Usted habla español.
Subject pronouns used in sentences Plural Subject pronouns used in sentences We speak Spanish. Nosotros hablamos español. (masuciline) They speak Spanish. (feminine) They speak Spanish. Ellos hablan español. Ellas hablan español. You-all speak Spanish. Ustedes hablan español.
Mixed Gender Group and Gender Specific Pronouns (masculine or mixed gender group) We are friends. (feminine) We are pregnant. Nosotros somos amigos. Nosotras estamos embarazadas.
Mixed Gender Group and Gender Specific Pronouns (masculine or mixed gender group) They are friends. (feminine) They are pregnant. Ellos son amigos. Ellas están embarazadas.