DfE T Level Action Plan December 2018 Catherine Sezen, Senior Policy Manager
Agenda Key Highlights – 2021 T Levels and provider eligibility T Level design and structure Progression to and from T Levels Governance and inspection Industry placements Funding and support for providers SAPs Comms, marketing and careers Qualification review
Key highlights – 2021 T Levels Additional 2021 T Levels confirmed as: Routes 2020 delivery 2021 delivery* Education and Childcare Education Construction Design, Surveying and Planning Onsite Construction Building Services Engineering Digital Digital Production, Design and Development Digital Support and Services Digital Business Services Health Healthcare Science Science *Wave 2 – ITT will be published Spring 2019
Key Highlights – 2021 Provider eligibility EoI – Jan to Feb 2019 Eligible providers must: have good or outstanding Ofsted rating Have at least satisfactory financial health Currently be delivering to a minimum of 10 qualifying students per T Level subject area they are applying to deliver Currently be delivering to a minimum of 100 (50 in opportunity areas) qualifying students across all pathways they are applying to deliver Aim to select an additional 50 to 75 providers.
Other key highlights T Levels will carry UCAS points in line with 3 A Levels T Levels will have an overall grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction Students who do not pass will receive a Statement of Achievement for the component parts. Flexibilities for SEND in English and maths (requirement to achieve entry level 3 in line with apprenticeships) and industry placements Funding for unreformed current quals to be part of consultation review Industry placement evaluation of 2017/18 pilots has been published
T Level design and structure English and maths exit requirement = L2 FS or GCSE (no CoF requirement) Core assessment – exam and AO set occupationally relevant project Specialism assessment – set and marked by AOs Two assessment windows each year
T Level programme *Could be marked internally T Level Industry Placement Between 315-420 hours Undertaken with an external employer Minimum of 45 days Students develop technical skills and apply their knowledge in a workplace environment Provider should pay for/contribute to travel and subsistence costs, if not covered by the employer Employers not expected to pay students Core 20% - 50% of the total TQ time Knowledge and understanding of the concepts, theories and principles relevant to the T Level and the broader route Core skills relevant to the T Level Assessed through an external examination and a substantial, employer-set project* Maths and English requirements Students are expected to achieve a level 2 in maths and English. This can be achieved through GCSEs (grade 4 and above) or level 2 Functional Skills (pass) T Level panels are free to set higher maths and English requirements, where necessary Other requirements set by T Level panels Occupation-specific requirements included, where possible, if they are essential for skilled employment e.g. licence to practice qualification or professional registration T Level programme 1800 hours over two years (with flexibility) Subject content is set by T Level panels and approved/managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships Technical Qualification (TQ) Between 900-1400 hours Occupational specialisms (min. 1 per TQ) 50% - 80% of the total TQ time Knowledge, skills and behaviours required to achieve threshold competence in an occupational specialism Maths, English and digital skills integrated where they are necessary to achieve threshold competence Employability, enrichment and pastoral requirements Assessed synoptically through rigorous practical assignments*. *Could be marked internally
Progression to and from T Levels Transition offer – focused on providing effective preparation for students to start a T Level Transition offer – DfE gathering evidence of such programmes: post16.Level3AndBelowReview@education.gov.uk Levels 4/5 – system of employer-led national standard of higher technic education Level 4/5 review interim evidence
Governance and inspection QA – joint responsibility of IfA and Ofqual IfA – responsible for T level panels, outline content and occupational maps T Levels will be included in Ofsted’s inspection framework once they have been fully rolled out – the 2019 framework will not cover inspection of T Levels explicitly
Industry placements The Challenge have produced IP guidance ESFA - Support for providers National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) Support for employers including matching service
Funding and Support for providers £38ml capital funding for 2020 providers T Level funding consultation launched 27 November Support: T Level Professional Development (TLPD) Needs analysis T Level awareness raising Teacher development Knowledge hubs Organisational readiness Taking Teaching Further – new round December 2018
Skills Advisory Panels (SAPs) SAPs aim to strengthen relationships between local employers and skills providers to meet skills gaps. Funding consultation asks for feedback on a requirement for T Level providers to have due regard for the skills analysis, local plans and strategies published by their local SAPs
Comms, marketing and careers Phased national and local campaign launch to begin in 2019 See T Level video Careers strategy focus on Gatsby Benchmarks, careers leaders, careers hubs and Baker Clause
Qualification review Review of post -16 vocational/technical qualifications: Stage 1 – early 2019 (principals, scope and broad process) Stage 2 – late 2019 (proposed criteria for funding)