13Text Ltd LiveChatLiveCall
LiveChatLiveCall... The ability to communicate with customers in a timely and effective way is vital in any organization. LiveChatLiveCall enables organizations to greatly improve communication, enhance operational performance and improve customer satisfaction. The power of LiveChatLiveCall, is the ability to provide in a seamless manner to your customers, the options of either text chatting or speaking directly to your team as and when your customer requests to do so. If your website is already using another providers Live Chat product, we can still provide a 13Text plugin which will provide you with the LiveCall functionality only. This would be deployed as a separate modal button, recommended as side mounted.
LiveChatLiveCall is... LiveChatLiveCall is a fully customisable website plugin that adds a bottom modal to your website. This allows your website customers to either start a Live Chat session or click on a Free Call Now button to open a CallMe iFrame in a modal dialog window. This will launch an immediate personalised Voice Call with your call centre (new customer acquisition lead or support request).
LiveChatLiveCall is... Deployment of the plugin allows customers to be connected to your team, at the peak moment of their interest. It’s a fully automated 24x7 “Real-Time” process. This architecture enables rapid lead time deployment. The LiveChatLiveCall Plugin “Look and Feel” is fully customisable via the “Settings” tab within your website administration panel. All the wording, colour scheme, images and position on the website can be customised within the settings.
LiveChat... LiveChat is a proven, faster and more personal way for you to engage with your customers as they are browsing your website. Why not make it easier for your customers to converse with your team before they leave your website.
LiveChat... When you’re on the road, chat via your mobile device by using an iPhone/iPad or Android app. Install the app and simply login to your mobile chat APP to stay in touch with customers on your website from anywhere. The application for IOS/Android devices includes all essential features for effective communication with your website visitors. The major features include real time traffic monitoring and chatting, chat invitations. The application will notify you of the new incoming chats even if you close it, unless you sign out of the system. When you are off-line, any chat messages will be delivered to you via email immediately. This way, you will never miss a chat.
LiveCall... LiveCall is the modal interface to our Click2Talk application. Click2Talk is an application that automatically transforms any website based query (customer acquisition lead or support request) into an immediate personalised voice call (or voice message). It provides an innovative and interactive way for potential customers to communicate with your sales and support teams.
LiveCall... Enables you to “Talk” to your customers at the very moment they are most interested in finding out more about your products and services. Leads to increased productivity and accountability. If you have multiple offices, we can use our Location Based feature, which will connect a customer to a particular office based on the Post Code the customer is calling from. All activity is tracked and reported on daily. Customer contact numbers are collected which allows for future on sell opportunities.
Contact Us... Our team will be happy to show you how LiveChatLiveCall will improve your communications, enhance operational performance and improve customer satisfaction. 13Text Limited Suite 9, 240 Waterworks Rd ASHGROVE Brisbane Queensland 4060 Tel: 61-7-35-102-102 www.13text.com.au contact@13Text.com.au