Lívia Vasas, PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018 Dissertations Lívia Vasas, PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018.


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Lívia Vasas, PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018 Dissertations Lívia Vasas, PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018

Dissertations from Europe, USA, all around… Dart-Europe http://www.dart-europe.eu/basic-search.php OpenDissertations http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/search/basic?vid=1&sid=ec454152-63e2-4e71-93b5-e76ed4a40ff7%40sdc-v-sessmgr04 Open Access Thesis&Dissertations https://oatd.org/

DART-Europe E-theses Portal http://www. dart-europe. eu/basic-search DART-Europe E-theses Portal http://www.dart-europe.eu/basic-search.php European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses development

The content of DART EUROPE DART-Europe aims to collect details of the open access research theses stored in Europe's digital repositories. DART-Europe collects details of Doctoral theses Masters theses from programmes of study which have no taught component Theses must also be Open access: free for all users to download, read and use

Semmelweis University presence in the Dart Europe database

Search Techniques Use * as a wildcard to match any sequence of characters: e.g. comput* would match computer, computing, computerised, computational, etc. Search terms are linked with 'AND' by default. Use OR to broaden your search, e.g. Sweden OR Sverige. NOT may be used to exclude a word from your search results, e.g. nebula* not andromeda. Use quotes to search for exact phrases, e.g. "genetic algorithm„. Parentheses may be used to create more complex queries, e.g. (Sweden or Sverige) and economics.

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Reference to a dissertation Text: (Benczur, 2012) Bibliography: Benczur, L. (2012). Pozitív szuggesztiók szerepe az intenzív osztályon fekvő lélegeztetett betegek kezelésében (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from http://ppk.elte.hu/file/benczur_lilla_dissz.pdf

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