Valley Central School District 3012-d APPR Changes Valley Central School District
What is Different? Teacher Evaluation Process Principal Evaluation Process Plan Submission Disciplinary Charges Hardship Waiver Note that emergency adoption of these changes occurred at the June BoR meeting, but changes can be made in September following the public comment period. “The regulations can continue to be adjusted over time as additional best practices emerge.
Teacher Evaluation Process Rubric Artifacts Multiple observations by Principals, other administrator and/or peer observer Scoring
Subcomponent Weights Principal/Supervisor observation must be at least 80% Independent observation must be at least 10% Optional peer observation shall be established within those constraints
HEDI Ratings for Observation Each observation would be completed using a 1-4 rubric, producing an overall score between 1- 4 Observations would be combined using a weighted averaged producing an overall Observation category score between 1-4 Observation category score would be converted into a HEDI rating between 1- 4 Score entered into the Evaluation Matrix Statewide minimum would be two observations (one principal/supervisor; one independent) with the frequency and duration determined locally Short walk-throughs are permissible Observations may exceed minimum standards and any additional observations may be included locally in the overall observation score, as determined locally At least one observation must be unannounced
Range of Recommended Observation Scores (actual cut scores within the permissible ranges shall be determined locally) Min Max H 3.5 to 3.75 4.0 E 2.5 to 2.75 3.49 to 3.74 D 1.5 to 1.75 2.49 to 2.74 I 1.0 1.49 to 1.74
Evaluation Matrix Observation Student Performance H E D I D* Highly Effective (H) Effective (E) Developing (D) Ineffective (I) H E D I D* * If you negotiate to use a second state approved supplemental assessment, and the teacher/principal scores ineffective, they must receive an ineffective as the overall rating.
Student Performance – 50% Student Growth on State Assessments State-Designed Supplemental Assessments If a teacher is rated ineffective on the Student Performance Category, and a State-designed supplemental assessment was included as an optional subcomponent of the Student Performance category, the teacher can be rated no higher than ineffective overall Local Assessments have been Eliminated SLOs may include group measures, including school-wide measures. Linked group measures are encouraged Superintendents, or their designees, continue to have sole discretion to use pedagogical judgment and determine SLO targets
Weighting for Student Performance Required Growth Subcomponent only (state-provided growth scores or SLOs) – 100% Required Growth Subcomponent (at least 50%) + Optional Student Growth subcomponent (no more than 50%)
Scoring Ranges for Student Performance Each performance measure would result in a growth score between 0 and 20 Multiple measures would be combined using a weighted average, producing an overall score between 0 and 20 This overall student performance score would be converted into a HEDI rating and entered into the Evaluation Matrix
Addressing Anomalous Results State Education Department could take or require corrective action to address a pattern of anomalous results The Board of Regents could request legislative changes that provide for independent validators to resolve anomalous results
Ineffective Teachers Students cannot be placed with ineffective teachers for 2 years in a row Teachers who receive two ineffective ratings in a row, may be brought up on charges of incompetence. There is an expedited 90-day timeline. A teacher has to provide clear and convincing evidence that they are effective to win. Teachers who receive three ineffective ratings in a row must be brought up on charges of incompetence. The teacher may only argue fraud, including mistaken identity as a defense. There is an expedited 30 day timeline.
Principal Evaluation Professional goal setting is prohibited as an element of principal evaluations – but organizational goal setting should be used to the extent that it is evidence of an observable component of the practice rubric Observation category is addressed through school visits Local Assessment have been Eliminated
Hardship Waiver Short-term hardship (four months) from the November 15 deadline should be accompanied by good faith attempts to collectively bargain and train for the new system APPR plans approved after March 1, 2016 will apply to the 2016-17 school year Final deadline for plan approval is September 1, 2016