SSG on WFD and agriculture Activities of the SSG on WFD and agriculture Prague, 28 April 2009 Andrea NAM DG Environment
General objectives of the SSG on WFD and Agriculture Started its activity in 2005/bi-annual meetings to identify issues which affect a Member State’s ability to meet WFD objectives as a result of pressures from agriculture suggestions for how best to manage the risk of not meeting these objectives to consider the potential impacts of achieving the WFD objectives upon agriculture
Key documents to be adopted Detailed work programme for 2009 - is prepared on a yearly basis New mandate for 2010-2012 Part of the Common Implementation Strategy for the WFD the time frame is in line with the WFD PoM implementation cycle
Current status of policies relevant to the work of the SSG - CAP-Health check WFD - first River Basin Management Plan implementation cycle -Water scarcity and droughts Adaptation to Climate Change
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 1 SSG acting as an informal forum for revising the RDR - MSs revise their national strategy plans and subsequently will modify their Rural Development Programs Tasks how to modify RDPs in the light of the new achivements assess the effectiveness of RDPs. The starting point for the discussions: in-depth assessment of the RD programs 2007-2013 as regards water management commissioned by the COM, DG ENV and commented by MSs available on circa
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 2 2. Discussion of CAP Health Check issues - consequences of the heath check on implementation of WFD, discussions on individual MSs approaches – Tasks: - SSG proposed issues to be discussed (consequences of abolishing arable set-aside, effects of decoupling of support, implementation of the establishment of buffer strips along water courses, authorisation of water use and metering) - to prioritize issues - develpoment of discussion papers - possibly by core groups (outcomes by September 2009)
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 3 3. Exchange of information on farm advisory systems and other education activities – exchange information on good practice between MS with regard to farm advice and training schemes on water-related management standards (quantitave and qualitative) Tasks to ogranise a wokshop (second half of 2009) Involvement of different experts not only SSG members Focus on: alternative ways of organising, funding and giving priority to FAS, development of toolboxes/training modules and/or “cookbooks” of best practice with particular focus on water issues, future networking activities of key actors draft a paper on needs for further action (November 2009)
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 4 4. Specification of Article 38 of Rural Development Regulation (payments for WFD mandatory measures) Tasks input to DG AGRI in drafting the specific guidelines for this article (first half of 2009)
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 5 5. Interlinkages between the measures in the RDPs and draft river Basin Management Plans – exchange information on the Programmes of Measures regarding quantitative and qualitative agricultural pressures and to screen interlinkages with the RDPs Tasks assess the interlinkages between RBMPs and the RDPs bridging the gaps identified The starting point for the discussions: assessment launched by DG Environment on agricultural measures included in the draft River Basin Management Plans (Programmes of Measures) and its interlinkages with the measures included in the RDPs.
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 6 6. Input for the implementation of the policy on water scarcity and droughts - Commission will provide from 2009 onwards an annual European assessment on water scarcity and droughts -. Tasks to contribute to the assessment of the Commission by providing information on the implementation activities (questionnaire sent to Water Directors)
Work Programme 2009 Main activities 7 7. Ways of increasing the irrigation efficiency Tasks lead countries (UK, Fr) draft a discussion document and a report on the conclusions SSG to have an exchange of views on possible solutions (techniques, metering, pricing, fiscal incentives, water efficient devices etc.) Background to the discussions: available documents identified
SSG on WFD and agriculture New mandate for 2010-2012 SSG on WFD and agriculture
Current status of policies relevant to the work of the SSG - CAP-Health check WFD - first River Basin Management Plan implementation cycle CAP beyond 2013 Water scarcity and droughts Adaptation to Climate Change Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Objectives and key subjects 1 Exchange views among MS and provide feedback to Commission services Experiences from the first RBMP implementation cycle Water pricing and agriculture: work programme to address the causes of the lack of action. Exchange experiences on different pricing systems (e.g. taxes, charges) as well as possible ways of implementing the polluter pays principle and cost recovery. Assessment of the impact of water pricing on agriculture with a focus on the best ways of implementation ensuring cost recovery and setting incentives.
Objectives and key subjects 2 Exchange views among MS and provide feedback to Commission services (continued 2) B. Agricultural measures in the dRBMP and RBMPS Agricultural measures included in the programmes of measures need to be further specified - SSG WFD&agri will come up with suggestion for actions Assessment of the options for water saving in agriculture and the costs and benefits of different options. Exchange of information on the uses of the catalogue of measures (available on circa)
Objectives and key subjects 3 Exchange views among MS and provide feedback to Commission services (continued 3) C. Providing input to the further development of an EU water saving policy Discussions on the general development of policy actions in the area of water scarcity and droughts Common application rules in the agricultural sector of Article 4(7) of the WFD Proposal for a research programme Support the development of Commission guidelines for water infrastructures
Objectives and key subjects 4 Exchange views among MS and provide feedback to Commission services (continued 4) D. Input to the revision of the RD-programs/regulation Exchange on the implementation of buffer strips along the water courses Effectiveness and regional distribution of measures Assessment of the cost effectiveness of agricultural measures implemented under the WFD
Objectives and key subjects 5 Exchange views among MS and provide feedback to Commission services (continued 5) E. Input to the ongoing activities on Climate change and adaptation Input to the discussion on adaption indicators from a water perspective, and on the further development of regional and national adaptation strategies. F. Input to the CAP beyond 2013 (in next slides)
Objectives and key subjects 6 Enhanced inter-linkages between the EU CAP and water policy: A. Issues identified under previous Mandate Exchange on the impact of decoupling on water use Effectiveness of cross-compliance requirements to address water issues Place of water issues in farm advisory systems – SSG WFD&agri to draft guidelines B. New issues input to the drafting of the marine strategies – Mediterranean (water scarcity and droughts, adaptation) and Baltic (fight eutrophication) – SSG WFD&agri drafts two papers proposing measures
Thank you for your attention!