Post – Classical China Sui, Tang, Song Empires
Sui Empire China re-emerges, unlike Rome Sui tribe unifies China by marrying from another kingdom Sui paved the way for the Tang, just like the Qin paved the way for the Han Both the Han and Tang lasted for a long time
Government TANG SONG Confucian exam system for gov. jobs Bureaucracy 1 Female Ruler – legitimate through Buddhism Bureaucracy expanded Simpler exams Led by scholar-gentry
Military TANG SONG VERY strong In later empire, are given more control of areas to protect, tax and control VERY weak Led by scholars – no military experience Constant outside pressure Pay tribute to stop raids Lose ½ of empire
Religion TANG SONG Upheld Confucian ideals Strongly influenced by Buddhism Temples own a lot of land – can’t tax Neo-Confucianism Attacked Buddhists for promoting careers of women
Social TANG SONG Based on Neo- Confucian ideals Scholar-gentry at top Don’t trust landowning aristocrats Peasants happy Cosmopolitan Women have more freedom Commoners can go to university Based on Neo- Confucian ideals Male dominated hierarchy Laws favor men Reinforce “tradition” – class, age, gender Peasants taxed – rebel Women lose freedoms
Advancements TANG SONG Repair Great Wall Grand Canal Silk Road – eastern edge Redistribution of land Strong economic growth Industry & production Commerce Agriculture
Decline TANG SONG Neglectful emperor Peasant rebellion Military takes control Nomad pressures – Uighurs Blame Buddhism Attack from Mongols