Data Management and Reporting Unit Using Welligent Mail for Transmitting Confidential SESAC and/or Suspension Data
Special Education Support Section Marian Mason, Coordinator Lele Mach, Specialist Phone: (213) 241-6729 Fax: (213) 241-8472
OVERVIEW Both state and federal law mandates the tracking of students with disabilities and the collection of suspension data. For LAUSD most of this data is captured from the Student Information System (SIS). Schools that do not use SIS (including charter schools) are required to submit SESAC and suspension data separately on a regular basis. Up to now this data has been submitted by sending the required reports to the Special Education Support Section by fax. Welligent Mail is a new and “secure” option for transmitting data. Schools choosing this option are to use the following procedures.
From the Welligent opening Communication Center screen go to the Function Navigator menu and select ‘Mailbox’. Left-click on ‘Mailbox’.
Once in ‘Mailbox’ create a new email by left-clicking on the ’NEW’ button. Left-click on ‘NEW’ button
The SPED SUPPORT SECTION account may be found by using any of the following KEY words and left-clicking the ‘Find’ button: SPED or SUPPORT. Be sure to select ‘All Locations’. 1. Type in SPED and left-click on Find. 2. Select ‘All Locations’ from dropdown
Once found, check the ‘Support Section, Sped’ checkbox then left-click on the ‘Add =>’ button so that SPED SUPPORT SECTION populates the Message Recipients box. 3. Name populates Message Recipients box. 1. Check on the Name 2. Left-click On Add =>
Type subject and school Left-click on ‘Message Details’ button, enter subject, a descriptive message, and a priority level. 1. Left-click on Message Details Button 2. Type subject and school name in Subject Box 3. Type message in Message Box 4. Choose Priority
Left-click on the ‘Attachments’ button, left-click on ‘Browse’, choose file to be attached and then open it. Once opened, the file automatically becomes an attachment to the message. 1. Left-click on ‘Attachments button 2. Left-click on ‘Browse’, find the file, and open it. 3. Once file is ‘opened’ it will attach to the message.
Left-click on ‘Send’ to complete the Welligent Mail process. The ‘Send’ button
Please verify that your sent mail has been sent successfully in the “SENT ITEMS”