Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team Unit 9 - Comms Baofeng UV-82HP 08/03/2018 Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team Unit 9a: Radio Specific Baofeng UV-82HP Released: 3 August 2018 Lamorinda CERT
Selecting FRS/GMRS Radios Repeater capable FRS/GMRS Radios with Amazon prices as of February, 2018- Motorola made 3 models (all discontinued). Olympia has 1 model: R500 $74.99 / pair We’ve had problems with these radios – not recommended BTECH has 1 model: GMRS-V1 $54.99 / each Legal on all FRS/GMRS channels – no simple sub-channel selection Baofeng UV-82HP is a HAM radio with FRS/GMRS frequencies. LMOCERT sells it for $60 each and it can be reprogrammed once you get a HAM license. Too much power for channels 8-14. No simple sub-channel selection Radios have rechargeable batteries and charger; may also use AA alkaline cells Ignore “mileage” claims. Battery life is more important than transmit power. Visual 9.1 Lamorinda CERT
Radio Features & Functions Antenna LED Light Off-On / Volume Channel Ear Phone Jack Push To Talk Switch Speaker Microphone Ring Tone Monitor/Light Switch Menu Key Channel Up Key Channel Down Key Baofeng UV-82HP Visual 9.2 Lamorinda CERT
Boafeng Radio Batteries Rechargeable “AA” alkaline cells Visual 9.3 Lamorinda CERT
Selecting a Channel To select a channel: Turn on radio Note channel in window – active has arrow on left Upper channel is “A” channel Lower channel is “B” channel Select other channel with Push-to-Talk Switch Use p and q keys to move up or down to desired channel. Visual 9.4 Lamorinda CERT
Sub-Channel Motorola and some other radios use “sub-channels” or “privacy codes” These are really just aliases for CTCSS frequencies Baofeng radios use the CTCSS frequencies Lamorinda CERT normally uses sub-channel 0 which is None in CTCSS terminology Your radio is now ready for communications. Visual 9.5 Lamorinda CERT
CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) Sub-Channel CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) Motorola (and others) GMRS Privacy code CTCSS Frequency (Hz) 1 67 11 97.4 21 136.5 31 192.8 2 71.9 12 100 22 141.3 32 203.5 3 74.4 13 103.5 23 146.2 33 210.7 4 77 14 107.2 24 151.4 34 218.1 5 79.7 15 110.9 25 156.7 35 225.7 6 82.5 16 114.8 26 162.2 36 233.7 7 85.4 17 118.8 27 167.9 37 241.8 8 88.5 18 123 28 173.8 38 250.3 9 91.5 19 127.3 29 179.9 10 94.8 20 131.8 30 186.2 Visual 9.6 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Programmed – FRS/GMRS The Baofeng UV-82HP radios are programmed with the FRS and GMRS frequencies. CANNOT USE 8 -14 Visual 9.7 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Programmed - MURS MURS (Multi-Use Radio System) The Baofeng UV-82HP radios are also programmed with the MURS frequencies on channels 76-80. These are low power simplex channels available to everyone. Normal FRS/GMRS radios do not have these channels available. Visual 9.8 Lamorinda CERT
RF Power Exposure and MPE Biological effects can result from exposure to RF energy. ... It has been known for many years that exposure to very high levels of RF radiation can be harmful due to the ability of RF energy to heat biological tissue rapidly. This is the principle by which microwave ovens cook food. Two-way radios use electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to provide communications between two or more users over a distance. Limits or Maximum Permissible Exposure levels have been set for RF radiation. Visual 9.9 Lamorinda CERT
RF Power Exposure Transmit no more than 50% of the time. Two-way radios are designed, manufactured, and tested to ensure they meet government-established RF exposure levels. In addition, manufacturers also recommend specific operating instructions to users of two-way radios. These instructions are important because they inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it. Transmit no more than 50% of the time. Use the lowest power possible to communicate. Visual 9.10 Lamorinda CERT