Routines and Expectations School starts 8.00am Independence and responsibility Class responsibilities (jobs around the class) Various groups and structures in class for learning
Behaviour and Discipline Teachers will reinforce positive behaviour Praise and rewards (Dojo Points) Certificates & special meetings with the principal Class rules in all classrooms Children will be responsible for their own actions Sanctions are in place if the class rules are not followed
Curriculum Overview Core subjects and foundation subjects Each child will be taught Maths and Literacy everyday Learning is focused and progress driven Lessons are planned through ongoing assessment in all lessons Children’s learning is led by their needs and what they need to learn to achieve their end of year goals
Homework in Grade 4 Homework is set on a Sunday and is handed in on Wednesday - (Literacy and Maths) Projects will be set for science and topic every two/three weeks Please practise reading, times tables and spellings (set and tested on Mondays) every night
Parents as Partners Listening to your child read Have books around the home – encourage a love for reading Questioning your child about school and the world around them. Encourage independence Guide rather than do!
Keeping in Touch Contact books Contact the Office to make an appointment Parents evenings School email
Thank you You can now follow your child's class teacher upstairs to have a look at the classroom and learning environment. The class teacher will also answer any questions you may have.