Small Lodge Administration Membership
Introduction Welcome, we are glad that you could join us for Dynamic Inspiration, Developing your Leadership. To gain the most from this session today, we encourage you to actively participate and take notes.
Utilizing your membership Three basic management principals: 1) All advisors are not created equal, 2) Commitments vary among individuals, 3) It isn’t what you do, it’s the way you do it. Those who are needed tend to participate more. Training is important to the success of our members.
Leaders vs. managers People follow leaders not managers. Be humble! (We are all volunteering.) Where do leaders stand?
Membership inventory To gain the most from your membership, know the positions needed, and the potential for members to fill those positions. Track your members skills, interests, hobbies, etc. But, you also need to know personal information to help provide background about the individual. (It is also important to track this for operational purposes.) It is also helpful to track Scouting and OA information, for example: rank, positions held, events attended, etc.
What we have learned Group break out and report back.
Conclusion Everyone should have an opportunity to serve and knowing how to utilize your membership will help your lodge succeed.
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