Balvi is located 6 km away from our village Kubuli. The nearest town Balvi Balvi is located 6 km away from our village Kubuli.
Facts about Balvi Territory- 5,1 km2 or 508,7 ha The population - 8042 Distance from capital city Riga- 226 km The rights of a town in 1928
History Balvi is a nice, green, small town in the Northeastern part of Latvia. It is located between two lakes on both banks of the Bolupe river. It is possible that after Balvi Lake the name was given to the town on the Bolupe river.
Symbols of Town BALVI TOWN LOGO – I love my town! BALVI TOWN EMBLEM
Welcome to Balvi town!
Fountain “Waterlilly” Fountain “Waterlilly”
Ziedu un The park “Bear Garden”
Playgrounds for children
The park of town
The churches
Balvi manor
Culture House
Monument for Latgale Partisan soldiers
Balvi swimming pool
Exhibitions at the Museum
The newspaper “Vaduguns”
Balvi bakery
Shools: Balvi State Gymnasium Balvi Crafts secondary school Balvi elementary school Balvi Music shool Balvi Art School